Chapter 3

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The pictures at the top is how the cast looks on the chapter, for example that's how Christina looks ^

Karen POV

Dinner was finished and ready after everything that had occurred about an hour ago. Kierra and J Drew were finally back home from college. Kierra was upstairs in her room practicing for her solo for church on Sunday, and J Drew was in his room creating beats for his music, I was sitting on the couch studying the word. Christina had just woken up and my husband had just ended a church meeting. She came down the stairs and sat on our couch next to me.

Christina: Is it okay if I could turn on the tv?

Karen: Yes, but please keep the volume down since I'm studying. (I smiled as I looked back down to take notes.)

A couple minutes later..

Christina: What are you studying?

Karen: I am studying the Bible, I will be preaching at church this Sunday so I am trying to write this sermon.

Christina: I've never read the Bible before. What does it talk about?

Karen:  (shocked, looking up) Really? The Bible tells the story of God's unwavering love for humanity and all of his sacrifices for us, but above all, it is God's infallible word. The Bible will provide you the answers you've been searching for and will support you through difficult times. The Bible will change your whole life Christina.

Christina: oh wow, I would love to have a Bible.

Karen: I have one for you upstairs! ( I said smiling at the fact she wants a Bible) Ima text Kierra to bring it down, (while pulling my phone out to text) so do you know how to pray?

Christina: No.. (she says with a hesitant giggle)

Karen: It's so easy sweetie. Talk to God like you're talking to me. Always begin by giving him thanks. For example, you could begin by saying, "Thank you, God, for everything you have done for me." From there, you could elaborate on how thankful you are.  Ask God to assist you with things after that. He'll go above and above for you. The Bible says ask and you shall received, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be open to you.. meaning when you come to God in prayer with a need or desire then he will answer your prayers.

Christina: Wow! That simple?

Karen: Just that simple (I smile)

Soon after Kierra comes running down the stairs..

Kierra: Sorry mommy, I didn't see your message because I was practicing ( as she handed over the Bible to me)

Karen: It's alright, Ki. I was just giving Christina a breakdown of what the Bible says and how to pray.

Kierra: Really? I love that! I am excited to start studying the Bible with you (she says, grinning at Christina).

Christina: That would be an honor (she says softly)

Kierra: Awesome! I'm going to go back up stairs and practice let me know when everyone get here! (She says as she runs upstairs)

Christina: Everyone is so sweet here, how come mama isn't like yall?

I tried to hide my feelings but was unable to do so, so I glanced down because I had nothing to say.

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