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As they sat down at the table and the waiter took their orders, Ben couldn't help but feel a rush of nerves. He wasn't sure why he was nervous. He figured that he was still navigating the complexities of grief after the recent loss of Tiana. This lunch with Miranda represented a step forward for him, a chance to connect with someone who understood his pain but deep down he feared connecting with someone again.

"Thanks for meeting me, Miranda. I really appreciate it."

Miranda couldn't help but notice Ben's slightly nervous demeanor. Wanting to lighten the mood, she flashed him a playful grin."Well, Ben, I must say, I never turn down a free lunch. You're lucky I'm such an opportunist," she joked.

Ben chuckled, feeling the tension ease from his shoulders at Miranda's light-hearted comment. "I'll have to keep that in mind for next time"

"Next time" She raised her eyebrows

"I mean the woman who helped me with my baby deserves as many meals as she wants" He looked at Delilah sleeping soundly in the stroller "I'm so glad you called. I feel so clueless about raising a baby"

"So are you doing this completely alone" She asked

"Well I have family. My father and my sister. My mother died when I was fairly young" He sighed "But Tee's family want nothing to do with us"

"Oh my" Miranda put a hand over her mouth

"It's like they blame me for everything. Especially Tee's mom. She blames me for Tee's death, for my daughter being left without a mother. She won't even acknowledge our existence."

"Doesn't she know that Delilah will know Tiana through her" Miranda shook her head

"She said it's too painful. Delilah looks just like Tee as a baby apparently"

Miranda's heart ached for Ben and his daughter. She reached out, placing a comforting hand on his arm. "I'm so sorry, Ben. That sounds incredibly difficult to deal with, especially on top of everything else you're going through."

"I mean we're hurting too. We lost Tee too not just her but once she shut us out the rest of the family did too" He shook his head "How does someone just turn their back on a baby"

Miranda squeezed his arm gently, offering silent support. "I wish I had the answers, Ben. But please know that you're not alone. You have your friends, your support system, and most importantly, you have your daughter. And I'll be here for both of you, every step of the way.

"Thanks. Miranda" He patted her hand "How are you"

"We're managing, one day at a time. Being a single parent has its challenges, but my son is my world. He's the reason I keep pushing forward."

"Are you planning to go back to work at the hospital anytime soon"

Miranda paused, considering her response. "It's something I've been thinking about a lot lately," she admitted. "I miss my work, the patients, the sense of purpose it gives me. But at the same time, being a single parent has its own demands, and I want to make sure I can give my son the attention and care he needs."

Ben nodded in understanding, his expression thoughtful. "That makes sense. It's a tough balance to strike, especially with everything else going on."

Miranda smiled gratefully at Ben's understanding. "Exactly. But I'm hopeful that I'll find a way to make it work. Maybe not right away, but eventually."

"Well, whenever you decide to go back, I have no doubt you'll be amazing at it," Ben said sincerely, his voice filled with admiration.

"Thank you, Ben," Miranda smiled " How about you"

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