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As months passed, Ben and Miranda's friendship continued to grow stronger. And their confidence as single parents also grew stronger. They supported each other through the ups and downs of life, offering a shoulder to lean on and a listening ear whenever needed.

"Who's that Delilah is that RaRa" Ben pointed to Miranda making Delilah laugh.

"Ben you're here so I can vent. Not make me laugh with a cute baby" Miranda rolled her eyes

"Is both not possible?" He asked

"No, it is not" She looked at him

"Okay so he didn't make you Chief Resident"

"That's my job. I'm Chief Resident material. In fact, I'm Chief of Surgery material"

"Maybe he didn't want to add to your workload"

"Because I'm a mom. I can handle this. You know when I first came back from having Tuck. He mommy tracked me. I felt barred from the OR. It wasn't fair. I had a baby big deal. I'm still a doctor" She angrily sipped her coffee

"Tell RaRa it's okay" Ben stood Delilah up on his lap and she reached for Miranda.

"RaRa is very angry Danny" Miranda sighed

"Did you talk to him?" He asked sitting Delilah back down.

"Why would I do that"

"Because you're upset by something he did" Ben chuckled

"Don't laugh at my pain" She punched his arm

"Ouch" He rubbed his arm "Tell RaRa we keep our hands to ourselves" He cooed to Delilah

"Ben this is serious. And your lunch break is over soon"

"Talk to him, Miranda. Say when I didn't get picked for Chief Resident it made me feel angry"

"When he didn't pick me you mean and instead picked Torres. You know she off and married George after his dad died"

"Your George"

"Don't call him my George"

"Everyone knows he's your favorite. They're all your babies but George is your favorite" Ben laughed

"Whatever, that's not the point. The point is does that sound like Chief Resident material"

"I also hear she's quite the Ortho legend though"

"She is good at her job" Miranda mumbled. "And no I didn't talk to Chief but he talked to me. He wants me doing surgery not paperwork"

"That's why you didn't get picked"

"That's why" She nodded "it was a sabotage"

"I don't think so" Ben shook his head

"I do the job much better than her and it's not even my job. She can't control them like I do"

"Didn't they cut an LVAD wire"

"That was Stevens. She's not cut out for working here anyway and that had nothing to do with me"

"Not saying it did. I know how the M&M went. You ranted about that guy on my couch for hours"

"Oh like you don't rant on my couch for hours. Mr. The nurses keep flirting with me but I'm not interested"

"Hey, I was really irritated by that" He laughed "Why weren't they getting the message"
Ben's alarm went off indicating he had to get back to work.

"That's my time" He put his baby carrier on and put Delilah in it "Back to putting people to sleep and back to daycare with this one"

"Back to going out there to be #2" She rolled her eyes

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