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"Torres" Miranda walked into the attending's lounge. Where for some reason Callie had paged her "Why'd you page me in here"


"Wait" Miranda sighed " Do I want to know the rest of that statement"

"You're my best friend"

"Mark's your best friend"

"You're my best friend that I haven't slept with"

"Wonderful distinction" She rubbed her face fearing she was about to regret asking what was on her mind " What's the issue with Robbins? And tread lightly that is also my friend as well as my teacher."

"Arizona says she'll never forget that Mark is my baby's father. She says this is a bi dream come true. I get the woman I love, my best friend who is also a great lay, and a baby. She said I get it all, and this is not what her dream looks like."

"Well Callie that is understandable"

"Bailey" She looked at her " You are on my side right now"

"Don't Bailey me" She shook her head " I'm not taking sides. I'm listening to you but I am not taking sides. You both are my friend and I am an innocent bystander"

"What should I do" Callie sighed

"This circus certainly needs a ringmaster" Miranda mumbled

"Bailey" Callie groaned

"Sorry. Okay, this is a messy situation to put it simply. Mark's voice as the father matters. Your voice as the mother matters. And Arizona's voice as your partner matters. That's a lot of mattering and a lot of opinions. Communication is key in situations like this, even if it's difficult."

"Ughh" She laid her head on the table

"This is why we use condoms, boys and girls," Miranda remarked

"Don't lecture me on safe sex" Callie groaned

"I'm sorry, don't mean to kick you while you're down" Miranda rubbed her back "But I'm just saying"

"I wish we were back to when you didn't talk about sex" Callie rolled her eyes

"I'm not talking about sex. I'm just saying. Condoms prevent this. Or a diaphragm. Any sort of protection really."

"We had been drinking. I was sad about Arizona. I need a sexual palate cleanser" Callie looked at her " In the heat of the moment of all of that you think I would have grabbed a condom."

"I di..People do" She quickly responded

Before Callie could acknowledge the statement Arizona walked in.

"You two in here plotting" She joked

"No, just having a little chat with my dear friend Dr.Bailey" Callie smiled

"How'd things go at Tuck's school," Arizona asked

"The kid mentioned I wasn't Delilah's real mom and Tuck beat the kid into the ground to make him apologize" She sighed

"Wow, kids can be hurtful"

"I'm not sure if he meant to be hurtful. She was drawing a picture of our family. The picture included Tiana and Tucker. The boy was pointing out how if she had a mommy that meant I wasn't her mommy. And Tuck didn't like the fact that Delilah started crying. The sentence hurt her feelings but I'm not sure if the little boy meant it to "

"Well at least they don't have to deal with three parents in a bi dream" Arizona mumbled

"Would you look at that there's probably a child somewhere in this hospital that needs me. I will be going now. While you two umm do you two" Miranda quickly left the room before things got too awkward for her.

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