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"Tuck and I are just fine. Mom. Yeah, I know. I'm sorry I have to work all day today and on Christmas this year. Yes, we will visit soon. Mom, um, I have to go. Happy Thanksgiving, Mom"  Miranda hung up the phone

"Did you tell your parents about you and Ben yet?" Callie asked "Because I thought you were spending Thanksgiving with him. It's news to me that you're working all day. Could've sworn that Arizona said this is a family holiday and as her favorite fellow"

"Her only fellow"

"Which makes you the favorite. She was going to ensure that you got home to your family" Callie tapped her chin "So what's the story"

"You caught me. I am spending Thanksgiving with him and I haven't told them about me moving on yet"

"Why not"

"I was with Tucker for a huge chunk of my life. He's my son's father. I don't know how to tell them I've moved on. I have a new boyfriend that I practically live with and we're raising our kids together"

"Bailey it's been nearly 4 years since he died. I think that's good timing to move on. Just say Mom, Dad I've moved on. I have a new boyfriend who I co-parent and co-habitat with."

"Should I tell Arizona about this boyfriend" Ben walked up behind them

"Warren" Callie laughed "I wasn't talking about me"

"Oh, I see. Miranda, you have a new boyfriend who you co-parent and co-habitat with. I swore that was my role" He chuckled

"My mother called asking when I would bring her grandson by"

"And Miranda told her she was working today and Christmas"

"You lied" He looked at her

"No, I just omitted the truth"

"Miranda" Ben crossed his arms "Why"

"I got nervous"

"Right because they don't know about me" He nodded "Callie you ever met her parents"

"I have not"

"I'm sure they'd be happy you found someone who makes you happy. I don't see why we have to hide from them. Let's just tell them. Shout it from the rooftops"

"What are we shouting" Arizona walked up

"They're dating" Callie replied

"What's news" Arizona shrugged walking away.

"Shouldn't you move when she moves?" Ben asked her. Miranda's eyes widened as she scurried behind Arizona.

"Happy Thanksgiving Torres" Ben chuckled and walked away.

"Happy Thanksgiving Warren"
After work, Ben and Miranda picked up the kids from daycare and drove home.

"I'm so happy to be spending Thanksgiving with someone as wonderful as you" Ben smiled at Miranda

"We would have spent Thanksgiving together anyway. It's kind of our thing. You'll always be my best friend first. And boyfriend second"

"You're my best friend too. Well after Tuck"

"What how'd Tuck take my place"

"Tuck likes Dinosaurs and Transformers and I like dinosaurs and transformers" He laughed "We just mesh"

"He's 4" She laughed "A 4-year-old took my place as your best friend"

"Well that's because you're something better" Ben smirked

"Oh yeah, what's that"

"My lovely girlfriend" He leaned in and kissed her

"Gross" Tuck and Delilah walked in

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