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Miranda and Ben sat in the waiting room of the doctor's office. She was looking at the posters on the wall. When you're a patient these posters mean almost nothing to you but as a doctor who was now forced to be in the role of patient, they mean that something is seriously wrong that you have the time to sit and read these posters.

Miranda couldn't shake the overwhelming sense of nervousness that gripped her. Her leg bounced anxiously as she fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, her mind swirling with a thousand what-ifs and worst-case scenarios.

Miranda stole a glance at Ben, who sat beside her with a reassuring smile on his face. His presence offered her a small measure of comfort amidst the sea of uncertainty, but it wasn't enough to calm the rising tide of anxiety that threatened to consume her.

"Ben, what if there's something seriously wrong with me? What if I can't fix it?"Her voice wavered with fear as she voiced her deepest worries.

Ben reached out, gently taking her hand in his, his touch a grounding anchor in the storm of her emotions. "Well, you won't be fixing it. That's your doctor's job. It may just be a case of the arm needs to build strength back up. And no matter what the doctor says, I'll be right here by your side."

His words offered a small measure of solace to Miranda, but the fear still gnawed at her from within. "I know, Ben. It's just... I can't shake this feeling of dread."

Ben squeezed her hand reassuringly "I understand, baby. But let's take things one step at a time, okay? We'll get through this together."

Miranda nodded, drawing strength from Ben's positive outlook. Once her name was called she felt a knot tighten in her stomach, her nerves intensifying with each step she took towards the examination rooms. With a shaky breath, she glanced back at Ben, who offered her an encouraging smile and a reassuring nod.  She was glad to have such a supportive partner here to face this with her. She squared her shoulders and followed the nurse into the examination room.

Once inside, Miranda took a seat on the examination table, her heart pounding in her chest as she awaited the doctor's arrival. The minutes stretched on, each one feeling like an eternity as her mind raced with a thousand worries and fears.

"Deep breaths" Ben stood up and demonstrated how he wanted her to breathe. The two began taking deep breaths together.

Finally, the door opened, and the doctor entered the room, a warm smile on their face as they greeted Miranda.
"Dr.Bailey. How have you been feeling? What brings you in today?"

Miranda hesitated for a moment, her throat feeling dry as she struggled to find her voice. She took a look and Ben and he mouthed the words "You are strong".

She read his words and nodded. She cleared her throat. "Um, I've been okay, I guess. But... there's been this weakness in my arm, and I'm really worried about it."

"I see. Well, let's take a look and see what's going on, shall we?" The doctor stepped closer to her to examine her

As the doctor began the examination, they asked Miranda about the weakness in her arm, their tone gentle yet probing.

"Can you tell me more about the weakness you've been experiencing in your arm? When did it start, and have you noticed any other changes or sensations?"

Miranda took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves as she spoke. "It started a few weeks ago... It's like my arm just gives out sometimes, especially when I try to lift or hold onto things."

The doctor listened attentively, their brow furrowing with concern as they took notes on Miranda's symptoms. "I see. Given your history with the shooting, there's a possibility that this could be related to nerve damage. Or it could be muscular. We'll need to run some tests to get a better understanding of what's going on."

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