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"I got chief resident" She screamed into the phone

"What" Ben pulled the phone away from his ear

"I was basically doing Callie's job for her and he gave me chief resident"

"As he should've from the jump. That's my best friend"

"Chief Resident Dr. Miranda Bailey"

"Next stop Chief of Surgery" Ben laughed "Remember us little people when you get to the top"

"Hey what are you up to right now"

"I am currently going through baby clothes. Kids grow crazy fast" He laughed

"Ben my 1 year old is half my size. I completely understand"

"I am refraining from the short joke because I'm an adult"

"Oh whatever" She rolled her eyes

"What are you doing besides rolling your eyes on the other end of the phone"

"How'd you know I rolled my eyes"

"I know you. So what are you up to"

"Paperwork. Chief Resident stuff and fellowship offers"

"Fellowship Offers" He perked up "Miranda Bailey you've been holding out on me. What's the offers"

"Doesn't matter I'm staying at Seattle Grace to do General Surgery. I have a son to worry about"

"Hey don't limit yourself. What're the fellowships"

"You know I got offers back as a 4th year"

"Thought those were for 5th years"

"They are. But I'm gifted, Dr. Warren but like I said I'm not leaving Seattle Grace. I have a plan"

"Chief Resident then run General surgery until they make you Chief of Surgery"

"You know the plan" She laughed

"Like a bedtime story"

"Tuck Ben's on the phone"

"Let me speak to my guy" Ben laughed. When he heard Tuck's little voice trying to say words on the phone he smiled "Hey man. Your mom is such a rockstar. She blows me away and inspires me so much. Delilah is currently sleeping otherwise she'd say yeah RaRa is so cool"

"You know I love kids"

"Thinking about having another in the future"

"Wow that's a big question"


"No, it's okay. I mean. When Tucker and I got married. We tried for 7 years to have a baby. Then finally Tuck. I freaked out when I found out I was pregnant with him. 4th year of my residency and I was on fire. I admit I considered not keeping the baby. But I'm glad I did. This little guy has changed my life. So yeah maybe one day in the distant future. I'd want a girl"

"Better not let Delilah hear that. Not sure she could handle sharing you" Ben laughed

"Well, I should be getting some sleep. I'm Chief Resident now"

"Watch it now. You're one bad mother...fu.."


"I was going to keep it clean" He laughed "Good night Miranda"

"Good night Ben" She laughed
She hung up the phone and put Tuck to bed. She was proud of herself. She was growing in her career like she wanted and she was growing as a mother. She looked at Tuck as he was drifting off to sleep. She lightly sang him a lullaby before getting ready for bed herself.

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