Chapter 20: Cellbound Souls

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As Meena and Aoom sat in the back of the patrol car, the atmosphere crackled with tension, their once carefree spirits now weighed down by the gravity of their situation. The harsh glare of the overhead lights cast stark shadows across their faces as they exchanged heated words.

"I can't believe you got us into this mess, Meena," Aoom hissed, her voice laced with anger and frustration. "If you hadn't suggested we climb that wall, we wouldn't be here right now!"

Meena's eyes flashed with defiance, her own frustration boiling to the surface. "Oh, so now it's my fault?" she shot back, her voice tinged with bitterness. "You were the one who insisted on going along with it! Don't try to blame me for your own choices!"

Their argument escalated, each word a dagger piercing the fragile silence of the patrol car. The police officer glanced back at them through the rearview mirror, a warning look in their eyes."Enough," the officer interjected sternly, his voice cutting through the tension like a knife. "I won't tolerate any more outbursts. Keep quiet or I'll have to pull over and separate you two."

As the patrol car rumbled on through the night, the tension between Aoom and Meena reached a boiling point. Despite their efforts to remain silent, the anger that simmered beneath the surface threatened to erupt like a volcano.

"You always have to have the last word, don't you, Meena?" Aoom's voice sliced through the silence, frustration evident in her tone.

Meena's jaw clenched, her eyes narrowing. "Yeah, I speak up because I know what I want," she shot back, her defiance palpable. "Unlike some people who are too scared of commitment to see what's right in front of them."

Aoom's lips curled into a sneer. "And you're the one who's gonna run straight into the arms of that imbecile the moment you're out of here, aren't you, Meena?" she taunted, her voice dripping with disdain. "You always choose the easy way out."

Meena's nostrils flared, her temper flaring. "You're the one who's always running away from anything real, Aoom," she snapped, her voice tinged with bitterness. "You can't handle anything that requires actual effort. That's why you're alone."

Aoom's eyes blazed with fury, her nails digging into her palms. "And you're the one who's leaving because you're too scared to face the truth," she spat, her voice trembling with anger. "You'll run to anyone who offers you an easy way out, Meena. It's pathetic."

The police officer glanced back at them through the rearview mirror, their expression unreadable as they listened to the venomous exchange."That's enough!" the officer finally interjected, their voice sharp and commanding. "I won't have you two tearing each other apart in my patrol car. If you can't keep quiet, I'll have no choice but to take further action."

With a heavy silence hanging in the air, the patrol car continued its journey to the station. Aoom and Meena sat side by side, their shoulders tense and jaws clenched, avoiding each other's gaze as they processed the gravity of their situation.

As the patrol car pulled up to the station, the tension between Aoom and Meena reached a fever pitch. The officer escorted them inside, their footsteps echoing in the sterile hallway. Aoom's hands clenched into fists, her knuckles white with strain, while Meena's jaw was set in a stubborn line, her eyes dark.

Inside the station, they were led to a dimly lit corridor lined with jail cells. The officer opened the door to one of the cells, the harsh clang reverberating through the air. Aoom and Meena exchanged a tense glance before reluctantly stepping inside.

The cell was cold and damp, the air heavy with the scent of mildew. Aoom shivered, wrapping her arms around herself for warmth, while Meena paced back and forth, her agitation palpable.

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