5|| trust.

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A/N - hey y'all so I've started a Draco malfoy fic so check it out if your interested I'm also going to be doing longer chapters so please let me know if there's any mistakes in anything as I sorta lost my glasses so life is not good rn but here we are with this part I hope you enjoyyyy and I'll see you at the bottom of this chapter.


It's been a week since I've seen rhea after she asked me if I trusted her which I said yes too and then she left.

From what I know we have a promo tonight I'm supposed to go out first and then she'll come out and continue with her plan. It's also been a week since I've spoken to Damian after that moment in the bathroom when we were both drunk kissing nothing more.

But his phone blowing up signaled that we should stop and we did and I can't remember anything else from that night. People told me that Rhea brang me back to the hotel and to be honest I'm not surprised.

Beep beep

Someone's messaging me great I'm in the middle of getting ready for god sakes.

miss ripley - heyyyy so you ready for tonight?
Miss ripley- don't be scared darls.

Elena No brainer- not scared lil nervous also where are you didn't see you come in today.

miss ripley- omw to your dressing room.

The exact second I saw her text she barged into my dressing room with a smirk "aww I was hoping you'd be naked" she said and we both burst out laughing and she came over too me grabbing my makeup bag and looking for something in it.

"What are you looking for?" I asked "highlighter I lost mine" she spoke and I laughed at her waving the palette that was in my hand in front of her face.

*time skip*

When my cue went off I made my way out of the gorilla and the second my foot entered the ring Rheas music played and she came out.

"Elena I'm excited to see what you have to say but first" she said stepping into the ring and made her way up to my face "what you going to do Rhea hit me?" I said turning my face away as I laughed but she grabbed my jaw and turned me to face her. The crowd was roaring. I was stunned and then there was a warm feeling on my lips i opened my eyes to see Rhea kissing me.

When she pulled away my mouth was wide open in shock "what nothing to say" and her music played as she walked backstage, shortly after I made my way back up and into my dressing room pacing and then she barged in.

"So um- that was my plan" she said softly "oh for fucks sake get over here" I spoke running up to her and jumping so my legs were around her waist with her holding me up before kissing her.


It was like fireworks going off around us neither of us wanted to let each other go this moment was all too perfect I never wanted to leave this girl.

I've always struggled with emotions and I know Carmen has too, I remember one time I was hanging out with liv and she called clearly in distress.


I was driving liv home from raw when her phone rang "hey Carm what's up" she said and I was just sat there turning the music down "whoa whoa babe it's okay calm down, don't do anything stupid okay listen to my breathing" and I immediately knew she was having a panic attack and I felt bad for her she seems like such a sweet girl and from what I know she can sing and act really well as she was on broadway in her teen years with Ariana Grande.

Her Weakness | RHEA RIPLEY (being rewritten)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ