11|| The Bump

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A/N- if you haven't noticed my updates are becoming sloppy and that is because a bitch has insomnia and writes these chapter at 3am I'm okay though do not fret.

Please be aware I find all of the pictures I use on PINTREST and future EDITS used in my chapters will be made BY ME or are CAPCUT TEMPLATES made by OTHER CREATORS on CapCut.

I really hope y'all don't hate me for the future of this story as a lot will be changing especially when you guys see what I have planned for her character in OUTER BANKS and Elena's new love interest.

This chapter will be like a script so it's easier for me to do because imma be honest I haven't watched the bump in a very long time so excuse me, the interviewer will be CATHY KELLEY.




Cathy Kelley- hello everyone and welcome to the bump! Today I am here with the judgement days Elena West and Rhea Ripley!

Elena- hey everyone *she waves at the camera*

Rhea- hey I guess?

Cathy- so Elena can you tell us what life has been like for yourself and Rhea since joining the judgement day I also understand you didn't get along before and now your laying across her?

Elena- so yeah to cut it short you are entirely correct Cathy myself and Rhea did not get along since her last match in NXT which happened to be with me and if y'all didn't know I won *she says with a smirk* but after I got the call from triple H that I would be joining the judgement day we kind of both sucked up our differences and put our work ethic into our friendship which leads us to rheas speech about us hanging out and her growing feelings towards me, after ya know casually getting Damian to kidnap me from backstage but it was all the truth I'm pretty sure we love each other as she practically lives in my house.

Cathy- okay your story is the cutest!! Now Rhea what do you think about people saying on social media that Elena is loosing her marbles so to speak?

Rhea- I'm not happy about it to be honest, Elena as you can see has an incredible worth ethic and she must to fend me off back in NXT where I was 'loosing my marbles' and she did, she beat me and that is one of the many things I can appreciate about her, all everyone sees is the work Elena and the one talking to fans but the one you guys don't see is the sweetest person on the planet I mean the flys home after raw all of the time just to see Athena.

Cathy- who's Athena?

Elena- my husky

Cathy- ohh right, so I take it as you have a big place for animals in your heart?

Elena- yeah I do

Cathy- that's incredibly sweet and I understand that you have dogs aswell Rhea? Do your dogs get along?

Rhea- I have two dogs Barry and Luna and yes they do get along with Athena

Cathy- so during the time you've been together have you taken a lot of pictures?

Elena- we have actually but WWE is really slow at posting just random pictures and we have been.. uhm abut busy recently

Cathy- that's so cute but uhm rheas cuter I'm guessing you would say Elena?

*elena and rheas raise their eyebrows and turn to eachother*

Elena- Cathy never say that again ya hear me?

Cathy- yep got it!

Cathy- I think that's where we're going to end this episode of the bump tune in next week guys!!

*rhea and Elena leave the room*




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CAPTION- NXT VS rheas instagram

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Elenaswifex- the way they both grew up is crazy even if they hated each other.

RheaRipley_WWE - that's bonkers
    -ElenaWestWWE- when on earth did you start saying bonkers

Rheaschain- awww

YaOnlyLivvOnce- there is so many things wrong with this

ArianaGrande- I miss young Elena
    -AvanJogia- me too when she would hang out with us

MadelynCline- my twinenem


CAPTION- moral of the story don't say what Cathy said

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CAPTION- moral of the story don't say what Cathy said


Elenaswifex- I think Rhea told Elena it was time to go otherwise Cathy would be dead we've all seen how possessive she is in tag matches who's to say she isn't in real life.
—- ElenaWestWWE- me too
———Elenaswifex- OMG HEY ELENA

Rheaschain- if looks could kill, Cathy Kelley would be dead.

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