Pushing You Away

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Kaveh's POV

'Oh, I have something for you!' I said quickly


'Your sword. You left it the other day. I'd been meaning to give it to you but never really got the chance to do it.'

'Thank you.' she said, holding it in her arms. 'This was given to me by my Uncle. It really means a lot to me.'

'Hey, no problem.'

We sat in silence for a few moments before I spoke up.

'Look, I'm sorry about being such a dick to you.' I finally said

'It's alright. I wasn't being really bearable either.' she responded with a smile

'We just got off on the wrong foot.'

'Yeah...we did.' she said with her eyes getting sad.

'So let's be friends instead. Let's start over. I'm Kaveh.'

She looked at my outstretched hand. She started playing with her hands, nervously reaching for it before stopping midway.

'I...can't.' she managed


'It's complicated.' she said, looking away. 'As much as I want to be friends...I can't.'

'Why? W-What did I do wrong? I thou-'

'I can't, okay! I can't get close to you!' she said, her voice getting more stern. 'Not again...not ever.'

'What do you mean not again!?' I demanded

'It's for your own good!'

'You're being really vague right now (Y/n). We've never met before until recently. Why do you keep acting as you know me? Like you've known me my entire life!'

'Your trauma is blocking me out of your life.' she said

'My trauma?' I asked her, confused, 'What do you mean my trauma? What does that have to do with our relationship?'

'There is no relationship between us, Kaveh, and there'll never be one.'

'(Y/n), why are you talking about my trauma.'

 'You don't remember me because of it.' Sumeru has a library, right? Read a book.' she said coldly. 'This was nice, but this is all you're going to get.'

Her voice cracked a bit.

'(Y/n) just-'

Before I could finish my sentence, she slammed the front door. I stared at the door, confused and a bit hurt. I looked at Mehrak.

'Did I do something wrong?' I asked him, and he beeped in response as if he was as confused as I was

(Y/n)'s POV

I sniffled, trying to keep myself together. I wiped my eyes so that no one saw the tears. He wanted to be friends. He actually wanted to start over, but I can't let that happen. I can't risk him getting hurt again, not now, not ever. His trauma really did lock me out of his mind. I made my way home when I heard the voice again.

"It's so close! I can give it to you! GIVE IN TO ME!"

I covered my ears and shut my eyes tightly.

'GET. OUT. OF. MY. HEAD!' I screamed, but the voice kept chanting the same sentence

Give in, give in, give in! Why do I keep hearing this stupid voice? I heard all my desires, and I wanted them to stop. This is why I have to keep Kaveh away from me. I can't get him tangled in my mess again. I killed his dad I don't want this to lead me to killing him too. Should I consult a doctor here? I don't know any doctors here, though. I shook my head. I'll soldier on then, I guess.

My Worst Goodbye (Kaveh x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now