Chapter 8

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Alex Pettyfer - Isaac >>>


Every guard I passed bowed their heads to me, except for one. Frasier spat at my feet as I passed him. I span around and had him against the wall by his neck before he could even blink, he was taller than me, but his feet did not touch the ground as I held him above me at arms length. I could see the alarm in his eyes as I tried not to incapacitate him. “That all you’ve got?” He said trying to egg me on.

“You do not know what you are dealing with human, you are too ignorant to understand” he smiled at me

“All I know is that you’re a freak of nature.”

“Actually, you are the freak of nature, why do you think that I am the one who can bend it to my will?” I carelessly waved my hand and lifted every loose bit of sand, stone or rock off the floor.

“A pretty party trick.” He croaked “It’s a shame that you seem to have no more power than the old one.”

“Oh really, you want to see more? Do you want me to show you how I can bend water so that I take all the moisture out of your body and turn your bones to dust? Do you want me to do that human, or would you be contented if I just snapped your neck right here with one single finger?” I slowly stroked his cheek with a finger from my free hand and flicked the side of his face, laughing as he flinched from the touch, “You are so pathetic, so breakable, I could steal you life and send you crashing into hell without even trying, is that what you want me to show you?” as I was talking I felt my eyes turn hot and saw the change of colour reflected in his own, they were a crimson red. 

The smile on my face widened maliciously as he whimpered and shook his head, “I thought not, be wary human, I’m only sixteen, push me too hard and I’ll throw a tantrum, heaven help you then. I’m going to be watching you, I know your mind, I know your thoughts, know how you are disgusted by the attraction you feel towards me, the way that you body is trembling with excitement at the touch of my hand on your throat, so easy to succumb to your own desires, it makes me laugh to see the struggle of lust that is going on inside your mind.” I smirked and then took a deep breath trying to calm myself down, I felt the red slowly seep back out of my eyes and the anger I felt flow out of my body.

I dropped Frasier onto the floor and he collapsed into a heap. I laughed at how pathetic he looked and spoke to him in the same calm voice; like liquid fire. “Would you like to know what the difference is between the two of us?” I smirked. “You are expendable; like a blade of grass in a field, in comparison, I am like the rain. Whether you like it or not, you are under my control.” With those last words I walked away, leaving him breathing heavily on the floor, knowing how hard my words had impacted him as he realised the truth in them.

I walked around the corner so that he could not see me, and then ran to my room, as fast as I could. I shut the door behind me, slumped down onto the floor, and cried. I didn’t know why I was being so horrible and angry. I felt so furious over the smallest thing; the fire flaring up inside me and I could feel the heat bubbling behind my eyes. I had never been like this before.

I walked to the window. Slowly I broke it down into the elements it once was and laid them out carefully on the floor. I then carefully climbed out of the room and up the side of the building, quickly getting onto the flat roof. I stood there and let the breeze wash over me. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply. I was totally alone for the first time in my life.

I looked out over the forest below me and remembered how the three of us had run through it with ease only the day before. Now it seemed like a lifetime ago. I had been so carefree and everything had been simple, I knew who I was and now I had no idea. I acted with such an impassive approach, I looked like I didn’t care about the thing that I was turning into, I was so angry and felt like I was poised to attack at the slightest threat, but I didn’t know why. Would Jacob and Johanna even recognise the monster that had shattered Frasier in the corridor?

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