Chapter 10

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“What happened?”

“She saw him attacking me.” I felt myself being held in a strong pair of arms and a cool hand wiping my brow.


“You know that she can hear others thoughts.”

“Yes, but I didn’t realise it was so strong, she heard them all the way from the other side of the castle?”


“And she ran from me, to here before he had even time to put his knife in you?”


“I thought she had been exaggerating about her speed.”

“So had I, we were both wrong.”

“So what happened when she got here?”

“She got him off me.”

“Then what?” the words were all faint and distant.

“Is he alive?” I managed to say.

“Ilea!” I heard Rowan exclaim

“Is he alive?”

“I don’t know.” Slowly, I opened my eyes and looked into Rowan’s I could see the concern in them. Slowly I stood up and unsteadily walked over to where the feather man lay on the floor. I bent down over him and heard his breath, it was shallow and uneven, but it was still there. “He’s breathing.” I said.

“I’ll take him to the infirmary.” Isaac said quietly and looked at me in awe as he passed. Once he was gone I turned to Rowan, “Are you hurt?”

“No, are you?”

“I am not sure yet.” I said simply, he looked in my eyes again. “Thank you.”

“Why are you thanking me? I should be the one thanking you, you saved my life”

“If it were not for you, he would not be alive and I would have become a murderer.” I shivered and closed my eyes, the memory of the moment passed in my mind. What would Jacob and Johanna think of me now?

He held me in his arms and I put my head into his chest again, hearing his heart beating there, just like before. With a start I realised I was not listening to his thoughts, I had created a barrier with my mind to keep them out. Slowly I realised the barrier and felt the thoughts of the castle wash over me again.

He kissed the top of my head and I felt a single tear roll down my cheek, knowing that it would hurt me, not to be able to ever be held by him, to ever be in his arms again.

I stepped away from his embrace and asked him the time, it was half past twelve. Suddenly I realised that I was late. I kissed him gently and swiftly on the cheek and ran to see Orion; I moved so fast that Rowan could not see me properly, only the blurred outline of my figure. I wiped my cheek with my fingertips as I ran. I must regain the hard outer shell that intimidated Orion and the other men.

I ran through the corridors and into the room, not stopping until I was standing in the centre. I had been so quick and so quiet that the normal humans in the room had not seen me come in and they hadn’t even realised that I was standing there; they were too busy talking to each other. Orion had seen me, but stood there without making a sound. Shortly a shout rang out as a man noticed me waiting patiently for them.

“Ilea, you are late.”

“Yes, I apologize for my tardiness; I had to sort something out.”

Awoken (Ilea, Book I)   (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now