Chapter 22 (letters)

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17th February

Dear Rowan,

            I miss you too. I don’t know if I love you though. Sorry.

But if you keep in mind that I do not know what my emotions are towards you, then I am more than happy to write to you. It would be nice to have some-one to talk to other than Senkrad, as although he is a brilliant teacher, he is a little like a father to me and the respect I have for him can make it a little awkward for general conversation.

I am so glad that you managed to find Isaac’s brother. I am very thankful that he had his family there for his funeral. It seems ‘right’.

It’s taken time and a lot of guidance from Senkrad but, yes, I am happy with who I am and the fact that I am an elf. I finally feel at peace. My training is progressing quite well I think. I have managed to perform the Tingure dance to a standard that Senkrad is happy with and am now using the sword with it. That only happened for the first time today but it was very exciting. I am quite proficient with a bow and arrow now too.

How are things in Elmira? I do miss the city even though the views from Mount Cadavain are breath-taking.

Yours, Ilea


13th March

Dear Ilea,

            Don’t worry, I understand about how you feel. I’m happy to write if you are.

I’m impressed that you’re already using the sword in the Tingure after so little months – that took me over a year to just master the dance, let alone with a sword. And when we meet next I will have to challenge you to an archery competition as I’ll have you know I am a very fine archer myself; everyone says so.

Things here are alright. There’s rumour of a powerful weapon that the Elmiran Council is hiding and there have been a few riots from people that are wondering who we would be using it on; they always shout abuse at soldiers but I don’t think they realise that we know as little as they do. I have to admit though; I am suspicious that this ‘weapon’ is you my little elf. It’s just, having seen your powers for myself I know what a huge advantage you would give to us all. What do you think?

I know I haven’t written in a month, but carrier birds are hard to come by. However, I will send letters to you as often as I can. You mentioned that your physical fighting abilities are coming along well, but how is your training with your powers going?

Yours with love, Rowan


16th March

Dear Rowan,

            I think you are incredibly vain by talking about your archery skills in that manner, I, the All-Important Elf will happily challenge you in a competition and thoroughly trounce you.

And I do not know about me being the weapon. I do have a lot of power, and Orion did say I would be needed to protect the city, but surely they do not expect me to fight a battle where I know nothing about the opponent. It seems very odd.

And I would love to tell you that training my powers is progressing well, but the only training I have done to control them is make shapes out of water. I can understand that this takes a lot of concentration and focussed application of magic, but I have only once experimented properly with my powers and I did not reach my full capacity at all. I do not understand why Senkrad will not allow or encourage me to seek the best of my abilities.

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