Chapter 18

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Tim Roth as Senkrad>>>>> 


They left the next day. They went in the morning with Arian and Rowan. I watched them go until the edge of the mountain top and I could not see them anymore. The house was almost silent as we two elves went around each other without talking. Then he disappeared, returning about half an hour later. He was clad in a simple pair of trousers and a shirt, round his shoulders hung a cloak, a sheath of arrows and a bow, belted to his waist was a sheathed sword. He told me to follow him outside and we sat in the garden.

We sat out there for hours, not making a sound, just watching the morning hours make their way past. Finally he spoke “At least you have patience.” I said nothing and just looked at him, waiting for him to continue at his own speed, I was in no hurry.

“You are quite an interesting anomaly, never did I think that I would teach an elf after Orion taught me and brought me to this place to hone my skills. But here you are, in the flesh and blood. How old are you child?”

“Sixteen human years.”

“Ah, I see that you are already wise to the fact that we age differently to those that are human. What else do you know? For instance, can you use magic, wield a sword, shoot a bow? Can you read and write? Can you sing, dance, play? Do you know the secrets of your past and the secrets to power? Do you want to know?”

“How can I answer so many questions at once?”

            “Very well, can you use magic?”


            “To what extent?”

            “To what extent is there?”

“Show me the most impressive thing that you can do with magic.” He told me.

“I have no idea what I can do with magic and how far I can go with it, I have no idea what will impress you or to what extent of magical capability you will be impressed by.” I said, trying to explain to him calmly.

“Very well then, I will set you a task.” He sat silently for a minute, thinking deeply. “Lift this rock” I looked at the fist sized rock quickly, thinking that he was trying to have a joke with me. He wasn’t. So I lifted up the rock as easily as I would have lifted a grain of sand. He looked at me, “I see that you are competent with things like that, what about something bigger” He pointed to a rock on the ground that was about twice the size of the last one.

I went to say something to him, but realised that I did not actually know what he was called. For the first time I actually felt shy, and a bit awkward. “What should I call you?” I asked him tentatively.

“You can call me Senkrad.” I nodded and stared at the rock on the ground. “What is it Ilea?”

“Can I try to lift something bigger?” I asked him uncertainly.

“Like what?” I looked around the clearing and saw a rock lying on it’s side, it was about twice the size of me and I lifted it up cautiously, I was more worried about dropping it because it was an awkward shape, rather than because it was too heavy. I held it in the air, about a meter above the ground for a minute, then I looked at Senkrad, he had a strange expression on his face, it looked as if he disapproved. “I can do more if you want me to?” I asked him worried.

“No, that will not be necessary.” He said quietly.

“Have I displeased you?”

“You should not be able to do that.” He said quietly, staring at the rock still in the air. I put it down gently and looked at the grass beneath my feet. Waiting patiently for him to speak, I knelt down and ran my hands over the small, neat blades. I closed my eyes and inhaled the sweet smell of the mountain, it seemed so peaceful, so serine, but I just couldn’t shake the feeling that I was missing something, something important that was lying just beneath the surface. It was a gut feeling.

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