Chapter 46

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Dedicated to my crazy little sis...

I know this took way too long for me to upload, but its a long chapter and I wanted to make it 'right' please forgive me...btw, 'right' does not include typos, it simply means [in my world] that the mood is how it should be and that everything flows and is continuous [I hope]...right, so thanks for all the support guys...only one-two chapters left noww!! be excitedddd, I know I ammm =P

Right...Vote, Comment, enjoyyy!!!


I had set my internal clock before I had fallen to sleep that night, something Senkrad had taught me to do in the many months I had spent with him. Subsequently I woke as the sun was rising and gently kissed Beau awake, watching him drift into consciousness with a sad smile on my face; he would always do the same thing, look around worriedly, see me and then smile. I would miss that.

We got up quickly and packed my things into a bag, including some fruit from the trees around us. For the first time I realised that all the time we had been here I had not been to Beau’s house even once; after his capture had ended, it had already become habit for us to live together in the little paradise that had been created. There was nothing we had needed to leave it for until this point.

We were about to leave when Beau grabbed me and pulled me up into his arms, “We will come back here Ilea. I promise you.” He crushed his lips to mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I hated the sickening feeling I felt throughout the entire kiss though, as if there was a pit in my stomach that didn’t have a bottom and somehow my insides felt like they were slowly slipping into it; making me hollow. The feeling stayed with me long after he’d let me go.

We walked hand in hand to the edge of the water and I wrapped my arms around Beau’s waist, looked out over the trees one last time and then lifted us into the air, carried us over the water and put us down near the bottom of the waterfall. I had done it quickly and then turned my back on the water and walked away at a fast, but still human pace so that Beau could keep up, but after a few seconds I realised I could not hear footsteps and turned around to see him looking up at the ledge we had just descended. He saw me watching and then walked over to me, “Whenever you do that I always feel as if we’re coming out of heaven and back into reality.”

I paused for a moment, “Well even heaven could not save me.” I replied and walked away feeling angry. I hated Orion, I did not want to leave this place, but I had no choice. We walked through the trees and I started to calm down a little as we neared the large lake, thankfully Ida was not there as today I did not think I would have been able to just ignore him like the other day. I was not in the mood to be friendly.

When we got to the village Beau led me to his home and I was intrigued to see what it was like. He invited me inside and I was a little surprise to find that it was basically empty, there were only a few choice bits of furniture and practical items; nothing really showed who it was that lived here or reflected him as a person at all. He watched me looking at his home and I must have had a strange expression on my face as he asked me what the matter was.

“You do not look as if you really live here.”

“Well I haven’t been.”

“Yes I know, but before that, it doesn’t look as if you spent any time here?”

“No, I don’t like being indoors. I spent as little time here as possible. I was also away training for months before I came to stay with you, so that won’t have helped.” I nodded looking around myself again at the almost empty rooms.

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