Chapter 15

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We travelled until it started to get dark again and Cadavain seemed like an enormous being, just hanging over us. We weren’t even at its base. They set up the camp and started the fire. I ate in my tent again that night and then slept. Throughout the night I was chased by dreams, which deeply disturbed me and all I could remember were mixed up images and whispers of far off words and places that I didn’t recognise.

The next day also seemed to go by like a dream, nothing happened except for the change in the passing landscape. As we got closer to the base of mount Cadavain the grass beneath the horses’ hooves became rockier and more uneven, there were sparse trees dotted around an uneven path that led up the mountain. It was the middle of the day when we reached the base so I turned to Lord Rico, “Where do we go from here?”

“We’re going to the top.”

“To the summit?” I asked genuinely surprised


“Is there anywhere that we could camp?”

“Yes there are three places, but the first one we would not reach in enough time to start a fire before the night closed in.”

“Would it be dark when we got there?”


“I have a suggestion.”

“Very well,”

“I will go to the first one and light a fire, if you let me take the packs you will go a lot quicker and I can set up the tents while I wait.”

“Wait for what?”

“For you to catch up with me. I can see the first site already and I know that I could get there in an hour if I were to run, probably two hours with all the packs.”

“I’m honestly not sure.” I suddenly noticed how reserved Lord Rico had become in the last few days. “I will ask the other men what they think.” He went off for a while with the other men and I could hear them talking about it amongst themselves. Rowan agreed with me, he thought it would cut valuable time off our journey, Isaac agreed with Rowan. Oscar was opposed to it, saying that he wasn’t sure if I could really make it all that way with the packs in two hours and then get a fire going in time “She may be an elf, but she’s still only a female.” Lord Rico told him to be quite and looked over to me worried that I would do something.

In the end Lord Rico sided with Isaac and Rowan. I took all their packs from them and started to jog up the mountain, it was quite a relaxed run, I didn’t get very tired easily now and I took it at a leisurely pace. The packs weren’t as heavy as I’d originally thought and I made my way up with significant ease. When I got to the spot I laid out the tents and began a fire with my powers, I could not be bothered to do it the human way; it would have taken too long.

When the fire was burning brightly I started to set up the tents and after I had finished I sat down in mine and fell asleep. Two hours later the sound of hooves woke me up and I started to prepare a meal for the men. It was a stew with onions, mushrooms and meat in it. I also added salt later on to season. It was quite a sparse meal so I served it with the dry biscuits as well. The men said that it was nice to have a hot meal ready for them and that it was thoughtful of me. I told them I only did I so that they would not waste time making one and then be able to get to sleep earlier and therefore be able to get up earlier. Lord Rico left us and went to eat in his tent while we sat around the fire. Oscar was slightly annoyed by my remark and commented on the fact that I had not eaten any of the stew; I had eaten only fruit, mushrooms and the dry biscuits.

“I do not want to eat that.”

“What have you done to it?” Oscar asked accusingly

“Nothing, I just don’t want to eat meat, that’s all.”

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