The Beginning

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It hurt

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It hurt ...

It hurt so much when I realized I was in love with literal ink on paper.

I've done this once , I can do it again.

Oh , how much I am in love with Aaron Warner now. Dang it , A woman would be driven crazy if men like him existed in real life.

But I'll tell you , as much as gorgeous men are in real life , when they open their mouth to speak , you're all done.
Fictional men are so much better , heck, far better. Especially the morally grey ones.

I put the book back to my shelf feeling devastated as I can't take all my books to London. I finally did it though. After all those sleepless nights , all those coffee depended days , all that hard work. I finally got the scholarship to the one and only Rivendell University.

I had a fever for a week I admit , when I found out I was not only accepted and passed the scholarship exam but aced it. It was unbelievable.
I was going to London , to study Psychology, Philosophy and Literature on the side lines but they'd be there.
It has always been my dream and now I was on my way to finally complete it.

It was so hard to convince my mum and dad.They still think I'm a goddamn baby. That I'll be influenced, will lose my virginity and turn to drugs and alcohol.
Well , that's not gonna happen.
No way.
I promised not only to them but to myself that I'd be focused on studies and studies only.
Above all , I've earned the tag of being the Sassy Good Girl

It took days to convince them and now I no longer have energy to put up with other human beings.

I've packed everything and tomorrow I'm leaving , I'm finally leaving and I've never been happier.
I wouldn't define this as running away but yup , here I was.

That night , it was my fault..

Woah ! Woah !
Not again ..
I'm not going there.
I'm not gonna remember it.
I'm going to forget it once and for all.
A fresh start far away.

It'll all get better there.
A new beginning.
I'll study hard , I'll ace it all as usual.

Focus on studies and studies only. ( Need to remind myself that alot )

Make some new friends.
Get a good job , Prove myself , Be independent and Settle down.

Strictly not going to involve myself in any sort of trouble.

There , How hard could it be. ..

Anyway , I'm 19 and mature enough, what could go wrong ?

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