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Chapter 14: Unlucky.

"I'm not crazy, my reality is just different from yours."
Cheshire cat—

"Cheshire cat—

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I left. I didn't even spare him a glance, just turned around and went back home.

I wasn't in the mood to cuddle Felix anymore, but I still did it to make it seem like everything was okay. We ate those instant noodles and then went to bed. They tasted awful.

I spent another sleepless night staring at the ceiling, mind going in circles. Why won't that prick leave me alone? He literally had no problem doing so before.

Morning came and I brewed some coffee before waking Felix up to leave for school.

If I'm being honest, there's a blank space in my memory from this morning. I'm in class, chemistry, yet I don't recall how I ended up here. I can't seem to focus either, even if it is my favorite subject.

I haven't slept enough in two days so I blame it on that.

I'm so out of it that the sound of the door opening startles me so much I almost fall from my chair.

And when I look up, there he is, nervously fiddling with his fingers.

"Ah! The new student!" the teacher says.

This has to be some kind of joke. A very ununny and annoying joke.


My eyes are widened and I have a headache already forming. His gaze falls on me and I can see how he tenses. I do, too, and look away with a frown.

Great. Absolutely fucking amazing.

The teacher tells him to go to the front of the class. "Introduce yourself, please." he says.

"Uhm, my name is Han Jisung and I just recently moved here. Nice to meet you." he bows and then runs to where there's an empty seat, but I don't even care where that is as long as he's gone from my sight.

Class goes on like nothing happened, like my head isn't splitting in half, like Jisung hasn't just ruined my whole week.

Next to me, someone throws a crumpled little ball of paper to my desk.

'hi ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ"

I turn to search for who it came from and find Jisung looking at me with a little smile, waving his hand. His seat is awfully close to mine and I curse internally. My frown depens as I crumble the piece of paper and stuff it inside my pocket angrily.

It isn't much time before there's another piece flying my way, but I don't even bother opening it this time.

When Jisung taps my arm softly, I loose it. I stand up abruptly and all eyes fall on me. "I need to use the bathroom, excuse me."

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