Family Dinner

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Chapter 17 : Family Dinner

In the dimly lit room of Luigi's apartment, a wave of sorrow washed over me. Despite my determination to bring down the Largo family, I couldn't shake the sadness that enveloped me. Tears welled up in my eyes as I grappled with the fact that I would never hear my mother's voice again. The regret of my cruel behavior towards her after our reunion weighed heavily on my heart. I would never have the chance to forgive her or understand what happened during my time away.

Both of my parents were gone, taken from this world. My father by his own hand and my mother by someone else's, all because of Gene.Co. The front door creaked open, but I couldn't bring myself to look and see who it was. If I stayed hidden in the darkness, maybe they wouldn't notice me.

"Malta?!" Luigi's voice echoed through the hall, calling out for me. I remained silent, unsure of what to say or how to feel about him. After witnessing his soft side last night, I couldn't fully trust or comprehend him. He was a cold-blooded killer, responsible for the deaths of countless people. This man, whoever he truly was, possessed emotional instability.

"Malta, we need to go," he urged, his footsteps drawing closer and closer.

Reluctantly, I allowed the light to flicker on, causing my teary eyes to struggle with the sudden brightness. How long had I been sitting in the darkness? My mind, still clouded by the shadows, struggled to grasp the situation. Blinking several times, I attempted to clear my vision.

"Malta?" he said, his hand gently touching my shoulder. I refused to turn and face him.

Though I knew I was expected to be at his beck and call, now was not the time. I sensed Luigi moving closer to me, maneuvering his body to face mine.

"Malta, we don't have time for this!" he exclaimed, annoyance creeping into his voice. Under normal circumstances, such a tone would be enough to be the alarm for my death.

Finally, I mustered the courage to meet his gaze. His expression showed shock. What must I look like? Mascara streaking down my face, a slight trace of tears and mucus staining under my nose.

"Malta, what happened?" he inquired, a touch of sympathy edging into his voice. He knelt down to my eye level, his hand resting on my knee.

I couldn't hold back any longer; I didn't want to reveal this vulnerable side of myself. It had been a long time since anyone had witnessed this raw display of emotions from me. I thought I was stronger than this. My entire being erupted into tears, my sadness overwhelming any sense of control. It was as if the past five years had built up to this moment, the breaking point where I crumbled in the presence of a Largo.

"Malta?" he asked again, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close. What was happening? Was Luigi Largo truly embracing me?

"She's dead," I sobbed, the words pouring out of me uncontrollably. Why was I telling him this? I could feel my body shaking, as if it had been put on autopilot.

"Who?" Luigi pressed, his breath warm against my neck in the cold room. His scent, a soothing lavender, was unexpectedly calming.

I didn't respond, finding solace in his embrace. I began taking deep breaths, realizing that it had been far too long since someone had held me like this.

Closing my eyes, I focused on the rhythm of his heartbeat. It sounded undeniably human. Just a week ago, I would have been shocked to stand in front of Luigi without fearing for my life. And now, he was offering me comfort.

He didn't release me; instead, he remained in that position. I had expected him to grow tired of the situation, but perhaps he needed this hug as much as I did. I reciprocated the embrace, pulling him closer. I felt his heartbeat quicken before gradually calming down.

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