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Chapter 3 - Gene.Co

Rotti slouched in his seat, his face obscured by the shadows. I glanced out the window and took a deep breath. What was his purpose for being here?

"Shall we have a little chat?" Rotti inquired. I nodded, attempting to be polite. He was the most influential man in the world, akin to a king. The king of Gene.Co.

"Do you understand why you're undergoing surgery?" he asked, clutching his cane tightly.

"Yes, to accompany Luigi to the Opera," I responded, forcing a smile. But deep down, I just wanted to be left alone. My addiction to the glow and surgery had ruined my life.

"Yes, but I hope it becomes more than that! You see, I am gravely ill. Hopefully, I can find a cure, but if not, I want to ensure that he finds love. Love that could potentially produce an heir," Rotti explained, his gaze fixed on the city lights flickering outside the window. "Luigi has been nothing but a disappointment to me. His anger has consumed him. I want you to change him. Hopefully, someone who gives him attention and compassion will transform him into a better person."

I glanced down at my feet. So, I wouldn't be returning to the club after the opera? I could potentially be killed or imprisoned at Gene.Co. It's not like I wasn't already a prisoner. My body was completely owned by them.

"Through this, you will never have to worry about paying rent for your body. You will live a life where Gene.Co and my family will provide for you," he stated, locking eyes with me. "I have been observing you for quite some time, as well as Pavi. You are the one who can change Luigi for the better."

I looked away, avoiding his gaze. They always say not to look directly into the eyes of a king.

"I have your file and contract, as well as pictures of your previous faces," he revealed, presenting a large folder filled with countless sheets of paper. "This picture caught my attention: your original face."

He handed me a photograph of my original face. I didn't want to look at it. It was the face I wanted to forget. I despised myself for being so desperate to get rid of it.

"You were beautiful, more beautiful than some of your genetically enhanced faces," he remarked, attempting to hand me the photo. I didn't reach out for it. He smirked and examined it once again. "You must have been deeply addicted to alter your face like that."

"I was, sir," I replied, fighting back tears. No, I wouldn't let myself cry in front of him.

"Pavi mentioned that you were eager to sign the contract and undergo surgery immediately. I'm curious, how does it feel when you receive surgery?" he inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"It feels... I suppose it's like... I find immense pleasure in the pain and the Zydrate. It's as if pure bliss courses through my body," I admitted, feeling disgusted with myself. I was trying to stop. I didn't want surgery, but the truth was, I still craved the pleasure.

"I believe Amber feels the same way. I can't comprehend how that works," he shrugged.

I peered out the window and caught sight of the Gene.Co building. I had only been there once, for my initial full-body surgery. Pavi had accompanied me. All my subsequent surgeries had taken place at the Gene.Co clinic closer to the club.

"You should understand how privileged you are to be chosen for this. The only girls who even come close to an opportunity like this are Pavi's Genterns," Rotti said, smiling at me. I continued to gaze out the window. We would soon arrive at the building.

"I am truly grateful, sir," I said, even though I wasn't. But uttering those words might prevent me from suffering severe harm.

I looked up at the Gene.Co building once again. This second visit would mark the next turning point in my life. I closed my eyes and could still envision it as clearly as if it were happening in the present.

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