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Chapter 31 Confrontation

"I can't believe you weren't aware of any of this," I murmured, my gaze locked with Luigi's.

"No," he responded, his eyes meeting mine. "I had no idea they were keeping such secrets from me. Although I had my suspicions, especially when your mother was 'accidentally' repossessed. But I never would have imagined that it went back nearly twenty years."

I nodded, fully comprehending the gravity of his words. The truth about my family's involvement with Gene.Co and the hidden truths they had concealed from me had shaken me to my core. The realization that my entire life had been built on lies was both infuriating and heart-wrenching.

As the elevator doors slid open, we were greeted by a grotesque scene. Blood splattered across the room, three lifeless bodies lying in disarray. Sinister classical music filled the air, heightening the chilling atmosphere.

Amber sat gracefully on her father's desk chair, while Pavi perched confidently on the desk itself. Both of them wore unsettling smiles, and Pavi was drenched in blood, clearly responsible for the carnage. My mother's face was still worn on his, clamped and spread thin.

Stepping out of the elevator, my heart sank as I took in the sight before me. The bodies belonged to the Malta clones, their familiar faces slightly mangled, but recognizable to me. I fought to suppress my reaction, but my widened eyes and momentary pause betrayed my shock. I glanced up at Pavi, and noticed in his hand... my original face. My heart ached for these girls, victims of their twisted games.

"Bella!" Pavi cheered, waving my face in the air with sick delight. In that moment, I knew I had never truly despised someone until I met him.

A cold shiver ran down my spine as I watched Pavi revel in his sadistic triumph. The sight of my own face, detached and treated as a sick trophy, filled me with a mix of horror and disgust. How had everything spiraled to this point?

Amber, still perched on the desk, smirked at my stunned expression. "Taken aback, 'Bella'?" she jeered, her voice dripping with venom. "Did you honestly believe you could uncover our secrets without facing the consequences?"

Fury coursed through me, fueling a newfound determination. I tightened my fists, the anger within me overpowering any fear or uncertainty. "You don't own me. You've lost," I spat, my voice trembling with a blend of defiance and trepidation.

Luigi stepped forward, his grip on my hand tightening. "This ends now," he declared, his voice brimming with unwavering resolve.

Pavi chuckled darkly, circling the room like a predator closing in on its prey. "Oh, how amusing," he sneered. "But it's too late for reason now."

"How could you massacre those girls like this?" I demanded, my voice trembling. I struggled to maintain my composure amidst the chaos unfolding before me.

"You did this to them, Malta," Pavi hissed, circling around me and his brother. "If only you had stayed put, none of this would've happened."

I released Luigi's hand and took a step closer to the desk, but Amber swiftly drew a pistol, freezing me in my tracks.

"This ends here. The entire city is outside," I declared, standing my ground. I refused to let Amber intimidate me. "We have the government and the police on our side."

Amber rolled her eyes dismissively. "Those fools?" she scoffed. "After they all fucked you, I'm amazed you can even look them in the eye."

"I never let them get close to me. All I did was reveal the truth," I asserted, demanding her attention. "They stand with me, not with you, Amber."

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