Last Night

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Chapter 25: Last night

"Oh my god," Amber exclaimed, her expression completely transformed as I emerged from the dressing room. Her jaw dropped in awe.

I didn't react to her comment, everything felt surreal. The Z-essence was coursing through me, but this time it felt less intense. Could it be that I was developing a tolerance to the drug?

I glanced at my reflection in the shop mirror, the dress was absolutely stunning. Hopefully, it would be the last white garment I would ever wear. The dress was elegant, white, and adorned with delicate lace. The train was a bit extravagant, flowing from the mirror to the dressing room.

"You look beautiful," the dressmaker exclaimed, overflowing with delight.

"You really do," Amber chimed in, not even attempting to hide her true thoughts. Was that actually a compliment? After everything we had been through today, and the fact that I managed to avoid a traumatic experience, I didn't think she would ever say anything nice about me.

"Thank you for letting us come in, Audrey. I know it was last minute, especially on a Friday night," Amber said pleasantly. Why was she suddenly being so nice to this woman? Amber wasn't known for her kindness...

"Always, Amber. You alone could keep me in business," the dressmaker blushed, fluffing out my train. "If there's anything else either of you have your eye on, let me know."

"You picked out a good one, thank you, Amber," I said, trying to maintain my facade. Amber was slightly taken aback by the compliment, but then a smug grin appeared on her face.

I admired the dress in the mirror, acknowledging that Amber did indeed have good taste in clothing. After being dressed by others for so long, it was difficult to know my personal style, but I knew it wasn't this. Nevertheless, the dress made me look like an innocent bride.

"We'll take the dress," Amber declared decisively to the dressmaker, who was meticulously arranging my dress to perfection.

"Wonderful choice! I'll have it packed up for you right away," the dressmaker beamed, bustling around the shop to gather the necessary materials.

As she disappeared into the back room, I took a deep breath, surveying the rest of the dress shop. The room was adorned with stunning formal gowns, each one more exquisite than the last. One dress, in particular, caught my eye. It was a revealing black gown with golden chains, and a red jewel adorned the center of the bodice. It was absolutely breathtaking, especially with the drug-induced effects making it appear as though it was glowing.

"You want it?" Amber asked, noticing my fixated gaze on the dress.

"Uhhh," I hesitated, unsure of how to respond. I wasn't about to start asking her for clothes.

"I'll put it on hold for you. If you do well tomorrow, it's yours and you can come pick it up," she said, attempting to bribe me into submission. Did she genuinely believe she could buy me with a dress?

"Deal," I said, mustering a sweet and simple smile.

Amber smirked, clearly thinking she had won this round. But little did she know, she had no idea what was coming for her.

I made my way back into the dressing room and began to remove the dress. However, the zipper seemed to be stuck, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get it to budge. Frustrated, I found myself without any other option but to ask for help.

"The zipper seems to be stuck," I called out from the dressing room, and within seconds, Amber had slipped into the room, startling me with her sudden presence.

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