The Gaslight

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Chapter 2: The Gaslight

Standing in solitary in the corridor post-performance, I was left with a small window of time before Gene.Co would whisk me away for my transformation. I loathed this existence, but I had committed myself to the devilish prince of Gene.Co, and now I was stuck.

My gaze drifted to the disintegrating wallpaper of the corridor. When had this place last seen a makeover? There was more than enough wealth in this industry to spruce it up, but the funds were instead funneled into fabricating new bodies for us girls. It was excruciating to glance at anything in this wretched place without experiencing a heart wrench. I found solitude preferable, not because I considered myself superior to the other girls, but because I didn't wish my reckless actions to cause them pain.

Suddenly, a fuming girl stormed into the hallway. I was innocent of any wrongdoing, so I was baffled by her rage.

"Why are you going to the opera?" she hollered.

I tried to respond but was taken aback by her fury. Did she truly resent me for this? After all, I was likely to be stabbed within the first act. Spending the night with Luigi was no honor.

"You little wretch!" she bellowed. I failed to grasp why she was so agitated. If she desired to attend the opera, she could take my place. I'd relinquish it without hesitation. "Do you think you're superior? Now you get surgery and an opera invite? This is ridiculous! I overheard Pavi and Madam Pink saying you might not return."

What? Not return? Did they genuinely think I'd bleed to death at the opera?

"They said you might become Luigi's possession, maybe even his wife!" she shrieked. Panic surged through me. I did not desire to be his property, let alone his wife! "You little harlot! You've really got them wrapped around your finger. You'll be set for life with him!"

"I don't want to go!" I retorted. She glared at me with revulsion and shook her head. The other girls appeared from the dressing room to see what the fuss was about.

"You pampered little brat! You think this is trivial, that it won't alter your life. You've got some nerve. Any of us would die for your opportunity, and you're utterly ungrateful," she spat, her eyes aflame with rage. It felt as if she was on the verge of killing me right there. "We would all kill to be where you are... you know what? Maybe I will!."

She pounced on me, toppling me. She began yanking my hair with unexpected strength. I tried to fend her off, but she was relentless, her sharp nails digging into my skin and drawing blood. She assaulted any exposed skin she could find.

"Get off me!" I screamed, slapping her across the face. She stared at me, stunned, and retaliated with a slap of her own. The other girls watched, unsure of what to do. I knew they wouldn't intervene. I had never bothered to engage with them.

"Enough!" a deep voice bellowed, slicing through the chaotic crowd of girls. I anticipated the appearance of a security guard, but to my surprise, it was the man from the show who had been dealing with Amber Sweet.

He forcefully yanked the feisty girl away from me and forcefully slammed her against the wall. A sharp thud reverberated through the air as she emitted a pained groan.

His gaze shifted towards me, swiftly lifting me into his arms. Although I was capable of walking, he refused to release me. Instead, he carried me down the hallway and into a secluded side street.

Confusion etched across the faces of the other girls as they watched our departure. Their bewilderment mirrored my own. How could this be happening? Such acts of protection and intervention were unheard of in my reality. Where was he during all the previous beatings I endured from the girls?

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