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Chapter 20: Truth?

The elevator chimed softly, announcing my arrival at Luigi's apartment. I stepped inside cautiously, trying my best not to disturb his slumber. As I tiptoed into the room, it was still early morning, the Zydrate was finally leaving my system, leaving behind only a lingering sense of anxiety and guilt.

Luckily, I had managed to wake up before Pavi, escaping from his firm embrace. I hastily grabbed one of Pavi's white shirts to cover myself, but I knew that modesty was a lost concept between me and the Largo siblings after last night's events.

"Malta," Luigi's voice snapped me out of my thoughts as he flicked on the lamp, he was seated in an armchair in the corner. Had he been waiting for me? "I've been worried sick!"

Luigi rushed towards me, and I instinctively tugged Pavi's shirt down to preserve some semblance of modesty. Taking a deep breath, I braced myself for a scolding or worse. But instead, Luigi enveloped me in a warm embrace, catching me completely off guard. This was not the reception I had expected.

"I'm sorry, Luigi," the words tumbled out of my mouth, still slightly slurred from last night. How could it be that the sibling I feared the most was showing me the most compassion?

"Malta, you don't need to apologize for anything," Luigi's voice was gentle as he held me tighter. His warmth seeped into my body, providing an unexpected comfort. "I'm just relieved that you're okay."

Luigi reluctantly released me from his embrace, his eyes searching mine with genuine concern. It was hard to fathom that this was the same man who had ruthlessly murdered people before my eyes. How could he be like this?

"Don't ever worry me like that again," Luigi's voice was stern, yet laced with a touch of vulnerability as he scanned my disheveled appearance. "Where were you?"

"I was with the Romano's," I slurred, trying to explain what had transpired but finding myself unable to share the details. I didn't want to tarnish his opinion of me; he seemed to have such faith in me.

"Are you high?" Luigi's gaze bore into mine, scrutinizing my eyes for any signs of intoxication. "Looks like you had quite a night."

With a gentle grip, Luigi took my hand and led me towards the kitchen. The room was filled with the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee, and the soft morning light cast a tranquil ambiance. The muted sounds of the television played in the background, still muffled by the remnants of Zydrate lingering in my senses.

Luigi guided me to a stool at the kitchen island before retrieving a porcelain cup from the cupboard. With careful precision, he positioned it under the silver spout of the coffee machine, allowing the dark liquid to flow gracefully into the cup.

Once the cup was brimming with steaming coffee, Luigi approached me with a warm smile, his tired eyes betraying a sleepless night. He presented me with the cup, its fragility evident in my hands as I felt the warmth radiating through my fingers.

"I used to do this for Amber when she was younger," Luigi's voice held a hint of nostalgia as he leaned against the counter, observing me. "It always seemed to help after a long night."

I glanced down at the coffee, unable to fathom the Largo siblings engaging in such tender moments. Taking a sip, the caffeine jolted me awake, rousing me from the haziness of Zydrate.

"Malta," Luigi's voice was delicate, his eyes filled with genuine concern. "There's something I need to tell you."

I looked up from the cup, meeting his tired gaze. There was something about Luigi that made me believe he truly cared for me, despite the darkness that lurked within his family and him.

Genetic Perfection ( Repo! the Genetic Opera Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon