A Fathers Wish

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Chapter 13: A Fathers Wish

"I can't do it," Luigi muttered, his voice filled with despair as he pulled away from me. The zydrate gun slipped from his grasp and clattered to the floor. The serious expression on his face transformed into one of profound sadness as he opened the balcony door.

A scream escaped his lips as he rushed towards the fence, as if he were on the brink of plunging to his death.

What had happened? He had seemed so excited, so determined to be with me. Could it be that he felt emotions other than hatred and rage?

I watched as the hysterical man gradually regained his composure, sitting on the steps outside. His screams ceased, and he became still and quiet, his head buried in his hands.

Still groggy from the effects of the Zydrate, I managed to find my balance and made my way towards the open door.

I sat down beside him.

"This isn't how it's supposed to go," Luigi muttered, his head still bowed. "He wasn't supposed to die, and you weren't supposed to try and kill..."

"Luigi, nothing ever goes according to plan, and nothing remains the same," I said, meeting his gaze as he lifted his head to look at me.

Song - Incomplete by Phantasma

Malta: When I was a young girl, farther said to me
Life is nothing like a grand symphony
It's like when you know this one line, sing it and repeat
But you don't recall the rest of the song that's incomplete

You can spend your whole life trying to recall
Or enjoy the sound you've known
All the words and the melodies - don't they taste sweet?
Why would you go and chase bigger dreams?

Luigi: When I was a young boy, my father said to me
Life is nothing like a grand symphony
It's like when you know this one line, sing it and repeat
But you don't recall the rest of the song that's incomplete

You can spend your whole life trying to break free
Or enjoy the home I've made
Oh, our balance, it can be distressed so easily
Why would you go and chase bigger dreams?

Both: When I was a young girl/boy, father said to me
Life is nothing like a grand symphony
It's like when you know this one line, sing it and repeat
But you don't recall the rest of the song that's incomplete

"I know you probably haven't had much say in this relationship, but..." I began after a long silence. It took a lot to speak, the Zydrate still had its hold on me.

"No, but it's my father's wish. I've been a disappointment my whole life. It's time to fulfill his desires," Luigi interrupted, his eyes filled with more emotion than I had ever seen before.

I didn't know what to say, so I remained silent. Perhaps not saying anything was what he needed, and I wasn't in a state to have a lengthy conversation.

"You don't remember me, do you?" Luigi suddenly spoke up.

I replied by tilting my head, confused by his question. What did he mean? of course I knew who he was.

"We used to play together when we were young. You, me, Pavi, and Amber," he said, standing up and leaning against the railing. "Our fathers worked together when you were all very small."

"I'm sorry, I..." I began, but Luigi cut me off once again.

"I know, neither does Pavi or Amber. I guess you were all too young," he said, gazing down at the bustling city below. "You once said I looked like a prince, and that one day you wanted to marry me."

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