The City's Grasp

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Chapter 6: The City's Grasp

As I gazed out the window, watching the bustling city below, I couldn't help but marvel at the millions of people with their own stories, problems, and debts. Most of them were under the control of Gene. Co in one way or another, and once they latched onto you, there was no escaping their grasp.

"Good morning," Pavi's voice chimed in my ear, his tone melodic. I didn't dare turn around to look at him. I knew my role - I gave him what he wanted, and he gave me what I needed. The embarrassing thing was he knew how to please me, he made me feel so good last night... and that made me sick.

I felt his body draw closer to mine beneath the sheets. I continued to observe the city life outside the window, my shoulder resting against the glass. Little people scurried about like ants. Were they happy? Did they find joy in this corrupt city? I longed to peer into their lives, to understand what motivated them to wake up each morning in this chaotic place.

"I'm taking you back to the club today," Pavi said, playing with my hair. What? Why was I going back? I thought I had escaped that life. "To gather your things."

"I don't have anything worth retrieving," I replied softly.

"My father insists," Pavi explained as he got up from the bed. I watched him walk into the bathroom, followed by two geneterns.

Closing my eyes, I wished for eternal sleep. The giggles of the genterns echoed from the other room. Pavi Largo disgusted me, but I also despised myself for letting him know how to work me. How could I let myself fall back into bad habits? But the zydrate felt so good.

Slowly, I rolled over in bed, preparing to get dressed. But before I could even touch the floor, Amber Sweet burst into the room, full of confidence. Her hair was now black, and her eyes were a piercing blue. She wore a tight black dress that screamed for attention.

"Pavi!" she exclaimed, storming in and pulling back the covers. "You're not Pavi."

The fact that she had to physically uncover me to determine my identity made me question their relationship. She stared at my body, making the situation incredibly awkward. I tried to cover myself, but she wouldn't let go.

"You're not even a gentern," she observed, studying my face. "You're way too hot! Who are you?"

"Umm," I stammered, giving up on covering myself. What was I supposed to say to her? I wasn't supposed to sleep with Pavi. He wasn't the brother I was meant for.

"Amber," Pavi said, walking out in a bathrobe. "I see you've met Malta."

"I need to talk to you," Amber said, her voice dripping with sass. "Did you know Daddy was arranging a marriage for Luigi?"

"Yes," Pavi replied, his genterns coming over to help me up from the bed. Great, now everyone was going to see my naked body. But then again, I didn't really own anything. It all belonged to the Largos.

"And who is this Malta? How did you score someone as hot as her? I doubt she had much say in this. Did you force her?" Amber interrogated, looking me straight in the eye. What was I supposed to say? Could I just tell her the truth?

"He gave me Zydrate," I muttered under my breath. Should I have said that? I had no idea what I was supposed to do anymore.

"Of course he did. He wouldn't be able to get someone as good-looking as you without some sort of payment. Who are you?" Amber pressed on, her questions relentless. I wished she would stop asking that question. Pavi remained silent, clearly terrified of his sister. It was true - he was a lover, not a fighter, but also a creepy slimeball who skinned women's faces.

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