Mama You're A Liar

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Chapter 5 : Mama You're A Liar

"Please, Miss, stay still," the designer pleaded, making final adjustments to my dress. Only two more days until the opera! Two more days until my life could change in an instant.

I couldn't believe I was staying in Pavi's apartment. Is that what one would call this place? Or maybe a penthouse? Looking out the window, I could see the towering Gene.Co building in all its glory. I always thought the Largos lived in the Gene.Co building, but it turns out they have a level for each family member in the building to the left.

From where I stood, I could see the city below through the window. The bright lights, the veins of the city, streaming and winding through the darkness. The cars that drove below looked like tiny ants from this view.

The oriental styling of the apartment felt foreign and unfamiliar, and the masks that adorned the walls were just strange. Their eccentric expressions, some angry, others hysterically happy, stared back at me as I examined them.

"You can get down now," the designer said, slipping off my dress. She looked at my body in amazement, and I couldn't help but look down at myself and feel a sense of unease. None of this felt like me; I felt completely lost. I hadn't even been able to look at myself in the mirror. I couldn't bear to see my new face, to know what I looked like now.

"Can you please stop staring? It's making me uncomfortable," I said, looking down at the designer before stepping off the small stool I had been standing on.

"I'm sorry, you're just extremely beautiful. No wonder they want you for Luigi," she said, gathering her sewing materials.

"Yeah, well, nothing but the best for their son," I sighed. I walked over to my pile of clothes on the floor and started to put on my kimono dress.

"I'll see you in a couple of days," the designer said as she was escorted out by Pavi's assistants.

"Bye," I said, pulling my hair out from inside my dress.

I couldn't stand people gawking at me like that. Was I really that beautiful? I couldn't believe it.

I walked over to the mirror that I had been avoiding for the past four hours. As I came into view, my jaw dropped. Oh no! I didn't want to sound conceited, but I actually looked stunningly breathtaking. It was the best face I had ever had. I looked like an innocent doll. I couldn't tear my eyes away from my reflection. I was genetically perfect.

"Um, Miss Malta," a servant said, walking into the room. "Rotti Largo is here to see you with a guest."

"Thank you," I said, tearing my eyes away from the mirror.

I glanced at the view once more before leaving the room. It was truly beautiful, just like my new face. Was it okay for me to think I was beautiful? Or would that be considered arrogant?

I walked down the hallway until I reached the lounge room. Sitting on the couch was Rotti Largo and... Oh no! Was that my mother? The same mother who kicked me out of the house? What was she doing here?

"Malta!" my mother exclaimed, getting up from her seat and hugging me. I didn't hug her back. I didn't want to see her. If she hadn't kicked me out, I wouldn't be in this mess. "Look at your face."

"Hi, mother," I said, rolling my eyes and sitting down on a chair.

"Rotti told me everything," she said, sitting back down next to Mr. Largo. She looked so excited.

"I wanted us to have tea with your mother and tell her the good news," Rotti said, picking up a teacup from the coffee table.

As he sipped his tea, his bloated face looked at mine with pride. Did he really think I would appreciate seeing my mother again?

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