Under the Knife

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Chapter 10: A Twist of Fate

Could this really be fate? Is what I'm doing here truly predetermined? If it is, then there's no escaping it. Luigi will be home any minute from the opera, and I will meet my end. Blood will stain these once innocent white bed sheets, tainting the purity of the virgin lingerie. It's the end, something my younger self could have never anticipated. I'd rather have Luigi stab me as soon as he bursts through the door, no words, just a violent rage.

Occasionally, I turn my face towards the window, watching the sky televisions broadcast the opera. It's not a dull show; Amber's face falls off, followed by a chorus of boos. My mother exposes her naked body to the world, what is she trying to prove? I can't believe I didn't die from the cringe-inducing sight. Then it's Mag's turn.

Mag looks beautiful, wearing a simple black corset adorned with feathers as she gracefully descends onto the stage like an angel. She's escaping her contract, but sadly, I won't live to see that day. Mag begins to sing a striking aria that brings tears to my eyes. If she's the last voice I hear, I'll be content. I'll be happy knowing that the creator of such a beautiful voice can escape this wretched lifestyle... What? Mag just pulled out her eyes, and the blood is so red. Why? The harness broke, and she falls to her death, impaled by a fence picket. It seems no one can escape the Largos, and no one can escape fate.

In the past few days, I've witnessed too much death. If this is what life is like with the Largos, I'd rather be dead. Maybe I should follow Blind Mag's path and end my own suffering. One final decision.

As the opera continues, a young girl and her father, a repo man, fight and bleed. Is this just a show or real life? I suppose everyone's life is one big show. And amidst all the drama, after Rotti tells his children they are disappointments, he dies. Rotti Largo, the king of Gene.Co, is dead. The world falls silent. I turn away from the screen and face the floor. What will become of Gene.Co? Luigi Largo is going to kill me tonight.


I sit in silence for the rest of the night, contemplating what the world has witnessed and what I should do. Should I end my life now or wait for it to be taken from me? Nothing makes sense anymore. Rotti Largo has dropped dead, Blind Mag has been impaled, and a repo man has bled to death. This world has become corrupt and repulsive, or perhaps I was more sheltered than I realized.

The elevator dings, and I hear the doors open. He's home. I sit on the bed, waiting. Should I even try to seduce him? It's too late to kill myself. I suppose I'll wait for him to burst in and end my life.

Luigi stands in the doorway, his face surprisingly calm. Maybe he's in shock? I always thought anger was the only emotion he felt.

"Stand up," he mutters. I obey, ready to face my execution.

He walks over to me, his eyes empty as he places his hands firmly on my arms, then unexpectedly embraces me. What? What is happening? Why am I not dead?

I can't do this. This was never the plan! I should be dead.

"Take off your clothes," he whispers in my ear, pulling on my straps. As he does, I reach into his pocket and feel the sharp knife. I pull it out and fall onto the bed. He looks at me in disbelief. Why didn't you kill me yourself?

"What are you doing?" Luigi's face contorts with anger.

I plunge the knife into my stomach, and blood begins to pour. "This is not what he wanted," Luigi shouts as he pulls the knife out, only causing the blood to flow stronger. "You bitch! You stupid, stupid bitch!"

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