chapter 20 .Wally.

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Half an hour later and I was finally finished getting rid of all the skin and unimportant organs, throwing them to Home who was concealed within the shadows and seeming to really enjoy the fresh food that he was getting. I may have to start using the TV again, if it was unfair of me to withhold food from him but well.... He'll live, shrugging. I continued what I was doing with joyful animalistic sounds coming from Home every time I threw something over, he would even eat the bones I threw into the corner seeing as there was never the clattering sound of the bones hitting the floor. I sighed, inhaling the sweet smell of iron. Though I was pleasantly surprised to find that Y/n's blood had a higher sugar content then most so their blood smells especially sweet and my mouth was watering just thinking about all the blood flowing down the once shiny silver table and flowing in the sterilise glass jars that were on the floor under the bottom corner.

Once I finished getting rid of all the fleshy human stuff that was not needed for the next step, though I had a rough idea of what I wanted my Darling to look like I didn't have a concrete idea. Sighing, I turned to face Home, leaning against the table. My hands are still dripping with the warm, sweet, beautiful blood of my darling. With her mangled and unrecognisable corpse. Putting a hand under my chin and the other around my torso then slumping down. Listening to the sound of Home tearing apart an organ or something like that.
"Hmmmmmmmmmm, what do you think my Angel should look like Home?"
The wet ripping sounds stopped for a moment and Home stood up looking angry at the fact I interrupted his long awaited meal then he growled at me. I rolled my eyes and snapped my fingers and the room was instantly filled with heavenly light. Home screamed and Tried to hide back in the darkness only to find there was none. Snapping my fingers again and all the heavenly light resided leaving the room in the dark dingy light it was in before.
"What do you want her to look like Wally?"

Home said his voice was raspy from screaming, with sweat running down his bowl and unshed red tears lingering in the corners of his eyes. I thought about that for a moment. What did I want my darling Angel to look like? Closing my eyes I thought about what the colour of her skin should be navy blue or purple.... No, I like the sound of navy blue more, with black curly hair that falls just past her waist, in pretty and perfect ringlets. Her thick curly hair tied back in a ponytail, a bright red bow holding it all together, dark hazel eyes with flecks of white within them looking like star light. She'll be 10 apples tall.
"She's going to be perfect"

It took two hours and multiple stops to feed Home, everything in the neighbourhood was silent, as all the neighbours were still in a deep sleep and shall remain the way till I wake them up. I had finished making my Darling's new body making sure that none of her organs or blood went to waste, with Home still happily chopping down on the bits of useless flesh that I threw over to him. My darling was perfect. The only thing that was missing was her clothes, walking through Home I came to the only door inside home that wasn't red, no it was a heavy black door that was hidden behind a corner and out of prying eyes.

Opening the door and walking in I was hit with the strong smell of mildew and mould. My god I need to go through and clean this room out but for now I needed a dress for my Darling. I went through almost every dress in that room before finding the perfect one. It was a long blue dress that would fall just above my darling ankles. The dress had poofy sleeves. Near the bottom of the dress there are clouds, stars and star constellations with no lack of ruffles. Walking out of the room and welcoming the smell of something other than mildew.

After a struggle to put the dress I found on My Y/n, I had successfully got it on her now there were only two more things to do, the first being the most important. I had to boned My soul with My angels and bring her to life without a heart, which was the hardest part but I managed to get both steps done within the hour. The second step was sewing the wings on and getting the helo to stay in place. Which took me two hours most of thoughts, two hours being spent making the wings as perfect as My angel.

Her wings are 6 feet in length and 5 feet wide, their white that fades to night sky blue, her halo is made of a dripping metal though the drips never reached the floor and instead disappeared before they hit anything. Her halo is a glowing gold, with stars and a moon floating around it. I had a strong feeling there would be screaming when Y/n woke up and I would have a lot, lot. Of explaining to do but I will deal with that when it happens for now Y/n was starting to wake up. So I picked My Angel up, walking happily with her to my room. The sun would be rising soon and all the others would wake up and go about their day like normal. They may be a little shocked to see me and My Angel, but that was also something to worry about later. For now, sleep.

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