Carta Visa

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Title: Carta Visa

Title: Carta Visa

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This story is about the chaotic life of a fashion photographer like me, who one day had the bright idea to set out for a certain 'iron curtain' country as a means of gaining new and peculiar life experiences. However, God decided to grace me with an enemy unmatched in good looks and ferociousness, Alexey, a mafia gangster in disguise as a civil servant. Not to mention, he's not by himself. Accompanied by three particularly brutal bodyguards, the mundane life of a commoner like me was flipped upside-down by an expensive and fatal life lesson that I never dreamed of facing.

What I Think

The story takes a while to pick up, so don't bail on it just because the first 20 chapters seem slow. There's a bunch of mystery around each character and what's driving them isn't always clear at first. I'm up to chapter 30, and things are finally starting to make more sense.

The relationships in this book are super complex. There's some drama and some sweet moments too. The main characters are going through a lot of changes and it's pretty interesting to see. The male lead might come off as a jerk initially, but I'm starting to get why he acts the way he does, and I don't think he's truly bad. At first, I wasn't a huge fan of the main character either, but as the story goes on and he starts to grow, I'm getting where he's coming from. The side characters are also pretty cool – they've got their own stuff going on and add a lot to the story. Everything's not what it looks like at the beginning, and the plot is way deeper than I first thought, which I'm really digging.

So far, I'm really into this story and I'd definitely suggest giving it a shot. I originally checked it out for the smut, but I've ended up staying for the complex relationships and the unfolding plot.

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