Pit Babe

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Title: Pit Babe

Title: Pit Babe

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Charlie wants to be a racecar driver but he doesn't have a racecar of his own. The only solution he comes up with is to make a bizarre agreement with king of the raceway Babe, nicknamed Pit Babe. Even stranger, Babe agrees to help Charlie realise his dream. 

What I Think

Alright, here's the lowdown.

I read this book's English version translated from Thai, and sure, it's got some translation issues. But let's be real, we're just happy it got translated at all because, guess what?

This book turned into the very first Omegaverse series! Yeah, you heard that right!

Honestly, I don't even care if the book or the series isn't the best thing ever. It's a first of its kind, and that's pretty cool in my book. 

I know, I might sound a bit too excited, but even though I'm not the biggest omegaverse fan, I got to keep up with trends. And this series? Major eye candy alert. It's dragged me into the Thai BL world, and now I've got yet another hobby eating up my free time. 

Now, if you're looking for something serious or super romantic, this might not be your jam. And it's not exactly Shakespeare.

But if you're into the quirky side of omegaverse, love some drama that's so out there it's good, or just want to be part of the first omegaverse adaptation wave, give "Pit Babe" a shot. It's got Pavel & Pooh and it's a ride. Watch the show, maybe check out the book to get the full picture. It's a bit of a duty for omegaverse fans to throw some support this way. Supporting this could lead to more in the future. We've seen it happen with other genres. Let's make it happen here too!

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