Carriage Ride

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Koko sat with her small bag filled with her wordly possessions (two plain dresses, a set of small clothes, a comb and a Bible) in the carriage that pulled up to the front door of the convent. The velvet cushions she sat on were soft and luxurious, a deep red like the robes of the Archbishop.

Speaking of whom, she sat straight up as he appeared at the entrance of the carriage, her heart in her throat. She held her bag against her chest, as if to protect herself. He raised his jewelled staff in farewell to the nuns and priests lined up, bowing to him as he climbed into the carriage.

Koko tried to wave goodbye around him at all the people who helped raise her, but before she knew it, the Archbishop had entered, blocking her view. She stared up at him with big, wary eyes. He closed the carriage door behind him and sat opposite her. Rapping twice on the roof of the seat, he looked down at this watch before pocketing it into the folds of his robe.

The carriage began to move, but now Koko did not dare look out the window and wave. She felt he would disapprove. She stayed quiet, knowing that most people preferred her that way. She was a good young lady, and she promised to be obedient. She would please the Archbishop and be on her best behaviour. Then she would one day be allowed back home.

The silence stretched on as the Archbishop ignored her, the clip cop of the horses' hooves the only sounds penetrating it. Koko held in a yawn as she sat back, growing sleepy from the rocking motion in the carriage.

"Come here, Constance." The low voice made her look up in alarm. The Archbishop stared down at her, though he was only seated, she still felt intimidated. She kept her bag clutched to her chest, confused by his words.

The Archbishop raised an eyebrow, cocking his head to the side. He had long, straight hair, jet black. It was cut sharply down to his shoulders, matching his sharp jawline.

"Must I repeat myself, child?" He intoned in his dry, low voice.

Koko stood straight up. scrambling to obey. The carriage motion made her lose her footing as she fell against the Archbishop. He didn't move to cushion her fall, and she bounced off his body, falling on her knees between the benches, her face by the floor. She had landed just by the priest's booted feet. She gulped as she slowly sat up, still kneeling before him. She figured this was safest to avoid another fall in a moving carriage.

The Archbishop stared at her coldly as she bowed in apology. She flinched as his heavy hand came down to rest on her head. Confused, she looked up in question.

Impassive, he moved his hand down behind her neck and pushed her forward to his lap.

"They said you are an obedient one, but I am not as easily fooled. You will have to show me."

Parting his robes, he slid a long smooth cock out of his drawers. Stroking it with one hand, he brought her face to meet his shaft with her lips.

"Open and take me in, Constance." Shocked, and shaking, Koko tentatively opened her lips, just as he pushed her head against his crotch. She gagged on his shaft, holding her hands on his thighs to brace herself as it tickled her throat.

The Archbishop smoothly brushed her hands off so she pitched forward,
taking him deeper. Tears sprang to her eyes, the invasion blurring her vision. The priest used both his hands to push her face up and down his cock, setting a frantic pace as he swelled and moved inside her mouth.

Tears intermingling with his juices made it easier, and before long Koko stopped gagging and instead started slurping up and down his shaft. She didn't know how long she was on her knees for, because she lost her fear as she basked in the glow of pleasing the Archbishop. She was terrified of him, and yet, his cock was so smooth, so delicious as she tasted him with her tongue and lips. She lapped him up, her thighs dampening beneath her as she pleasured him. Her hands moved down her body to press against her core. The Archbishop pulled her hair back firmly, snarling into her exposed throat, his cock slipping out of her mouth.

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