Beyoncé (35) pov
"I have a job to do Jay, unlike you. I can't just sit at home & cater to you all day. I am a defense attorney, my job is to defend people." I said to my jobless, no good husband.

"Defend people, huh? Then how come you couldn't defend me when I got fired?" He yelled as I scoffed. "Obviously you got fired for a reason. Correct me if I'm wrong. You got fired for being intoxicated with alcohol at your job. I can't defend you Jay, im not your mother. that's your fault. find another job. oh yeah that's right, you can't bc you're not used to finding your own shit. I put you on to that job & that was my biggest mistake. you've been an embarrassment to me every since I got you own at that jewelry store. not saying that to be mean but do you know how highly I spoke to the owners about you. just for you to do the exact opposite of what I told them. & not only that but I own that fucking building. what they gone say to me when I walk in there to see how things doing? ima look goofy." I said as he just stared at me.

Not saying a word. I'm used to it by now. All he heard was the part about his mother. He's so in love with that woman it's crazy. She has something against me for some odd reason & I don't know what it is. She even makes Kelly (my own best friend) takes sides with her sometimes. It's like she has mind control over them. Shit is crazy.

"Don't talk about my mother, she has cancer. She wants us & the kids to join her for dinner tonight. We're celebrating her 55th birthday." He said as I nodded. "Yeah I know that Jay. That's all you've been talking about. But I have to work late today, if I have time, I'll stop by & say hi. Where will it be?" I asked. "At Roc Nation." He said lowly as I raised my eyebrows. "Hm. She's having it at my personal jewelry company that you just got fired from? i don't recall her asking me about it." I said.

"Bey please don't start. She has cancer & I mean she did ask me & I said sure." He said as I just nodded slowly. "I don't remember seeing your name on the leasing paperwork but okay. I have to go tho, make sure the kids are dressed & go with you to your mother's party. & don't let her be kissing & questioning my kids. if she wanna know something about me, then she can ask me. but bye Jay, I'll see you later." I said walking out our room as I headed to Blue Ivy's room first, seeing all my babies laying on her bed.

"hi mommy, you're leaving for work?" Blue (13) asked as I nodded & smiled. "Yes baby I am. Y'all are gonna go with daddy to your grandma's birthday party at Roc Nation. be good & respectful okay, but don't let her kiss y'all. & if she asks y'all anything about me, just tell her you don't know, okay. I'll try to be back before it ends so I can tuck my babies into bed. i love you babies now give mommy kisses before I leave." I said sitting on the edge of her bed as they attacked me with hugs & kisses.

"okay mommy thats enough you have to go to work." Sir (7) said as I giggled. "yeah bc we all know dada doesn't have a job to be at." Rumi (7) mumbled as her & blue high-five each other. I laughed & shook my head at them as I walked out. "hey don't tell anyone he got fired okay? he doesn't want them to know yet." I whispered as the gave me thumbs up.

I closed her door & went downstairs to see Jay on his game. "hey!! oh you thought that was a smart move, im gonna trap you now. mhm, don't run from me." I heard him yelling as I sighed. I glanced at the tv for a second & saw the name "Becky." Now ian too smart with technology but I know, Becky don't sound like one of his lil homie names.

I was debating on saying anything, but I just kept my mouth shut & walked to the kitchen. "oh yeah are you still coming to my mom's birthday dinner? it's at my personal jeweler suite. oh okay great. I will text you the address. okay I'll see you then beautiful. now let's play 2 more rounds of this before I have to get the kids ready for the party." I heard him say again as I just walked out the house.

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