Nicki pov
It's been 2 weeks since I moved in w Bey & it's been a little different ngl. I mean a better type of different tho, like I could do this shit everyday. & the kids are so sweet... at times but anyways.

"Nickiiii come here." I heard Rumi yell from Blue's room. "Hold on mama." I yelled back as I finished my food. I was eating a taco that bought in just a second ago. "NICKI COME HERE NOW!!" Rumi screamed as I sighed.

I walked to Blue's room to see Blue laying on her floor. "What happened?" I asked as Rumi just smiled w her hand in her mouth. "I dunno." She said as I looked over at Sir. He's mostly quiet so I know he ain't gone tell me either.

"Blue... what happened?" I asked as I noticed she was crying. "I can't tell you in here." She whispered as I frowned. "Is something bothering you?" I asked as she nodded.

"Can I tell you in the living room?" She asked as I nodded. "Yeah of course." I said. I helped her up as we walked downstairs to the l jig room.

"What's going on?" I asked. "Well as you know my dad & my mommy separated which I saw that coming. But now uncle Chase is going around saying you like my mommy & he said a bad word that I can't say. But basically he said y'all yk.. & that he's gonna tell evb & get my momma fired. I don't want her to lose her job Nic, so I don't know what to do. I mean I haven't told her about it yet bc I just found out." She said as I sighed.

"Who told you that?" I asked. "Chase did. He called & told me this morning. He said not to tell anybody but I did anyways bc I don't like them. & I told him bad words & he said I'm gonna be a hoe just like mommy. Mommy's not a hoe." Blue said as I just hugged her.

"It's okay Blue, none of that is true. Bey is not a hoe & neither is you. Don't let him get to your head okay. You're smart and so talented that's something he wish he had. He know y'all are Beyoncé's weakness so he's trying everything he can in order to make her lose this trial. But it's not gonna happen your mother is super smart." I said. "So none of that happened? You didn't touch my mommy inappropriately & paint her naked?" She asked as I just looked away.

"I mean you're old enough to know this stuff so I'm not gonna lie to you. I did. But that has nothing to do with my trial or anything. It's just our business so it stays between us okay." I said as she nodded. "Okay. Are you & mommy a thing now? Bc when her & my dad was together that's the only time they touched each other. & I know bc she told me." She said as I just laughed.

I mean i honestly didn't know what to tell her so I just shrugged. "I haven't talked to her about it yet. Would you like it if we were a thing?" I asked her as she nodded quickly. "Yes, even though you've been here for like 2 weeks, I love you already. You're a girly girl just like Rumi & I. I love everything about you. I don't think you would hurt anyone. If anything you'd try to help & protect them. Just like you do w Me, Rumi, & sir." She said as I smiled.

"Okay I'll talk to BB about it. Go back to your room now, I'm pretty sure Rumi is in your makeup pallet by now." I said as she laughed & ran up the stairs. I went to Bey's room & saw her still sleep so I made that my opportunity to finish her painting.

I threw the other painting out bc I mean it was worth way more than what the man wanted for it & it was too inappropriate to hang in her house. I started on a new painting of her while she was sleeping the other night. I'm almost done I just gotta add some more realness to it. The only kicker is, how the hell ima hang this above the bed when she's literally sleeping on it. I guess I could try to figure something out. She's a hard sleeper so she won't hear me but still, what if she turns one way & I fall on her?

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