Chapter 8

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POV: Patton

When I woke up the next morning, I remembered my plan to admit my crush to Roman. That... was not gonna be easy. I couldn't let the others see how nervous I was, instead I put on a happy face and skipped merrily downstairs.

It was Saturday morning, so as usual, Thomas and Roman were watching cartoons, Logan was researching something, Virgil was still asleep, and Janus was sipping grape juice in a wine glass, a substitute for wine ever since I told him not to have wine before 7 PM.

I looked over at Roman, his beautiful smile, his perfectly combed hair, his sparkling, brown eyes. I caught myself before he could notice me staring. I headed into the kitchen, having decided to make 'Patton's Special Saturday Pancakes.' I poured the batter into the pan and began to think really hard about how to tell Roman. This continued until we all finished eating breakfast. They others thanked me for cooking and left the table, then I got it. I had an idea! It could just be simple and sweet, nothing too extravagant.

Later that afternoon, I approached Roman with a single red rose. I handed it to him.

"Ah, a rose, the flower of romance, thank you, Patton," he said.

"You're welcome," I replied, "uhm... I..."

I froze, but only for a moment, I inhaled deeply and let it all out.


He responded quicker than I excepted, "Oh Patton, I could never hate you."

A smile curled on my lips.


And then uncurled.

"I sort of have a crush on Logan. I'm sorry, Patton, I really am, but I just don't feel that way about you. Please forgive me."

"Of course," another smile appeared on my face, except this one wasn't real, "you can't help your feelings. I forgive you."

Without another word, I turned around and walked off to my room. The moment I shut my door, the fake smile on my face was replaced with anger and frustration. I had let many things slide in the past, but the love of my life rejecting me? That was enough. The anger bomb had been ticking for at least 10 years now and this had detonated it. On the outside, the others still had their happy pappy Patton, but I'd be planning my revenge. But how?

A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts. I put on a warm smile and told them to come in. To my surprise, it was Janus, he rarely if ever came to my room.

"Hey Patton, can we talk?"

"Of course, kiddo. About what?"

Janus's expression turned a bit saddened as he responded, "Virgil."

I suppose I had found a plan.

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