Chapter 13

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POV: Logan

"And then he said yes," I said. I was explaining what happened a few hours ago to Virgil.

Roman and I had been watching Cinderella together and I simply told him that I had a crush on him, no hesitation, and now I have a boyfriend!

"Oh, Logan, I'm so happy for you," Virgil responded, "That's amazing, man. Who would've thought that just telling him upfront would work."

"I did, obviously. Were you not listening to the story," I asked. Virgil rolled his eyes at me.

"Hey, can I tell you something," he asked.

I responded, "Of course."

POV: Virgil

I thought to myself, it would be best to tell him.

"You know how you brought up Janus yesterday," I asked.

He nodded and I continued,

"He's been acting weird because he's been having nightmares about me... dying. It really worries me because of just how much he focuses on the nightmares."

"Do you think this has something to do with his mother," Logan asked

"Definitely," I responded.

"And is it safe to assume that Janus was talking to Patton about the nightmares," he asked. I nodded.

"I don't have a good feeling about Patton, he's been acting different lately," Logan said.

"Yeah, but maybe he's just not feeling well, I'm think he'll be fine," I replied.

"I'm not sure I agree with you," he said.

POV: Patton

I had been listening to Virgil and Logan's conversation the entire time. Logan suspected me, perhaps I should get rid of him. But how? ... Ah yes! It's so simple!

~Time Skip~

POV: Patton

I led Logan throughout the mind palace and towards the Forgotten Pit. The Forgotten Pit is a bottomless hole that, once something is thrown down it, will stretch that apart and it's forgotten by the host, aka Thomas. If a person is thrown down, they will stretch out and eventually die. This was going to be fun.

"Logan, there's... something I want to show you," I said, as I backed away, transforming into my Dark Lord form, complete with black and blue Maleficent style horns, sharp claws, and fangs.

"It's," Logan seemed to pause in realization, "it's you! You're the Dark Lord! How could it be yo- never mind."

Then, Logan roughly grabbed my arm and I saw Janus coming around the corner.


I quickly shifted back into my 'happy pappy Patton' form and screamed out to Janus.

POV: Janus

I turned around to see a terrified Patton being held near the edge of the Forgotten Pit by Logan. By the time I saw Logan, I was already fuming with anger. I ran over to Patton's aid but was stopped by a hand in front of my face. It was Logan's.

"Stop Janus! This needs to be done. Patton is the Dark Lord."

"How could you say that? Patton is the nicest side ever," I responded quite loudly.

"He showed me his Dark Lord form," Logan said.

"Janus, help me," Patton whisper screamed.

Janus, help me!
Janus, help me!

Images of Virgil dying popped into my head. Patton was the only one who could help me save Virgil. I need to save Virgil. No matter what. Patton needs to stay alive. No matter what. No matter what. No matter what. No. Matter. What.

A strange energy surged through me as I yanked Patton out of Logan's grip and shoved Logan off the edge. Of the Forgotten Pit.

TW: Death

POV: Logan

I stared up at Patton and Janus, who I could now consider my killer, as the darkness swallowed me, slowly but surely.

I felt my glasses flying away from my face, slowly but surely.

I felt each of my limbs stretch apart, slowly but surely.

I felt it getting harder to breathe, slowly but surely.

I felt my heart rate weakening, slowly but surely.

I felt my heart figuratively breaking at the thought of never seeing Roman again, slowly but surely.

I felt gravity pulling me towards the non existent end, slowly but surely.

I felt myself closing my eyes, slowly but surely.

I felt my last breath escaping, slowly but surely.

I'm so sorry but it is Chapter (unlucky number) 13 so I had to have something bad happen, so I guess I came up with death. I know it's way too sudden but... oh well I guess. This is the end of any chance at a happy ending. Anyways byeeeeeeee! 😀 RIP Logan 😭😭😭

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