Chapter 38

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LJ User: Xx_RubyJane [Public Entry]

Date: July 15, 2012

[Mood: feeling the love!]
[Music: "A Thousand Miles"-Vanessa Carlton]

I got the cutest care package today! @ChuuJisoo, thank you so much!!! I have the little ballerina hanging from my bunk. My roommates were jealous at first, but I shared the cookies with them!

You are so sweet! <3

And @Kai_serOfKaisers, do you know how much trouble I could've gotten into with that card you sent me? Cartoon penises spelling out "I miss you"? Seriously? Are you five years old?




So glad it got there safe! The ballerina made me think of you!

          I can't believe you sent her a care packagewithout me!

          I couldn't find you! You're always disappearingthese days.

Just making sure you're missing me, babe

LJ User: Xx_RubyJane [Private Entry]

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LJ User: Xx_RubyJane [Private Entry]

Date: July 18, 2012

[Mood: I don't even know]
[Music: "Chasing Cars"-Snow Patrol]

Sometimes when I lie in my bunk at night, my body just aches.

And it's not my muscles or the hours of dancing. Stretching doesn't relieve it.

It's deeper than that.

It's like it's in me so deep I can't heal it.

Someone else has to.

She has to.

Lisa sneaks in, at night. Into my head, into my heart, into my body. Slips under my skin, sparks stirring to life, and I can't stop her. I don't want to.

It's all I'll ever get of her now.

It's the only time I feel alive. Laying there in the dark, thinking of her, of us, train-track kisses and hushed voices in bathrooms, her fingers trailing up my stomach. But in the dark, alone in my bunk, my mind wanders and her fingers trail down instead, along with mine in real life.

It hurts, wanting someone so much. Knowing you can never have them again. Lip biting, blood bursting in your mouth as you get there kind of hurt.

This is all I get: memories in the dark and my hand and she ...

Lisa will be like Hanni someday. She'll shake off our town and move back to L.A. or San Francisco and she'll meet some hot liberal-arts major in college, I bet. Some beautiful girl whose parents don't care. A girl who brings her home and doesn't think twice about holding her hand when she walks through the front door.

Lisa will get everything she deserves. Some girl who'll give her the world. And someday, she'll say to that girl, Did I ever tell you about the summer after my mom passed away? About the girl I met? And she'll laugh at the memory of those kisses that I'll still be holding on to as precious, because she's shared so much more with someone else. They won't be important anymore.

I'll be just a wisp of memory. Another girl will be her life.

Maybe if I stay still enough, I'll turn to stone.

Maybe then my mother will be happy.

Maybe then this aching will stop.

Why can't I let her go?


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