Chapter 6

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Narrator Pov

Zenitsu and Tanjiro had long since arrived at there Location in the south, They spent their time Looking for clues about a sign of a demon, and looking out to see if they can find Giyu or not.

"Tanjiro-Kun don't yo think it's a little weird that you can't even sense a demon out in this location?" Zenitsu asked while he held Tanjiro's hand acting scared but deep inside he was scared out of his thoughts. Tanjiro looked over at Zenitsu and smiled, "There is not..demon but We still have to look for Tomioka-San that are main priority if we can't find the Mean then we look for Tomioka-San Which I can smell his scent's faint.." Tanjiro answered truthfully while his face wore a expression of concern.

"Ahh I see" Zenitsu replied while he looked over at a few stands seeing jewelry and food. The thought about food had came to Zenitsu, "Tanjiro-Kun Can we get some food I'm hungry." He asked. Tanjiro nodded, "Yeah sure"

Tanjiro and Zenitsu walked around a little more then ate food then went to go look for a Inn to stay while they plan/ look for Giyu.


Zenitsu and Tanjiro both sat in the room on the floor thinking of plans and ways how to find Giyu and if that where was he. "Ooo! Tanjiro-Kun I have a Idea!" Zenitsu exclaimed at hit of joy and excitiment in his tone of voice. Tanjiro looked up at Zenitsu wearing a puzzled expression on his face, "Hm? Do go on and tell!" he said sounding curious.

Zenitsu had grown a wide dirty smirk on his face, "But...You have to dress up~" he giggled blush on his cheeks. Tanjiro was curious but also still puzzled, "Okay? dressing up doesn't sound bad what else?" he asked. "That and you have to wear makeup!" Zenitsu answered with triumph in his voice. Damn, Tanjiro-Kun is gonna look so fucking hot! But it will probably grab Tomioka's attention if he is even here.

"Okay! first I'll do you make up then you can put on the outfit!" Zenitsu said while he ran to the bathroom and back to Tanjiro. Zenitsu came back with all kinds of different products of makeup and the cool thing was Tanjiro knew the name of them all and what they all did and where to put them where not to put them.


"Tanjiro-Kun!!! You Look So pretty!"  Zenitsu exclaimed with a loud yell. "Thank you Zenitsu but try not to be loud...there are still other people sleeping," Tanjiro replied while he put a finger over his lips. "Sorry Tanjiro-Kun...NOW! Go put on your outfit!" Zenitsu urged more blush growing on his face. Tanjiro nodded then got up walked to the other room to go get changed. It took everything in Zenitsu to not go in the room and peak at Tanjiro.

~ 5 Minutes Later ~

Tanjiro had walked out from the other room. Zenitsu looked over his face bright cherry red and his nose started to bleed, he averted his eyes away while he held his bloody nose, "You look Hot.." He mumbled. Tanjiro ran over to Zenitsu with a cloth in hand, "Here Zenitsu" Tanjiro said while he crouched down by the blonde and gave him a towel to clean the blood. 

"Thanks Tanjiro-Kun..." Zenitsu mumbled slightly embarrassed at how good Tanjiro looked now he knew people were gonna stare and perverts would want to share so he now has to protect Tanjiro.

 The only reason Zenitsu is doing this is because he doesn't want Tanjiro to be sad about Them not finding Giyu, And two he doesn't want to look like a Idiot backing down when he saw his crush in that kind of outfit and with makeup on.


What Tanjiro looks like/Wearing

What Tanjiro looks like/Wearing

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