Chapter 7

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~ Narrator Pov ~

Tanjiro looked up at the oddly familiar male. Tanjiro's eyes widen and his body froze.

The peach colored hair that stopped at the male's shoulders. that Fox mask on the side of his head..

Those Beautiful Lavender Gray eyes and that scar on the side of his face and slightly on his cheek.

Tanjiro's words were caught in his throat..


Why does he kinda..look like...No he's dead it Can't be...Right?


// Present //

Me and the Familiar man looked deep into each others eyes.

Grayish Lavender


Crimson Red

Both of the pair of eyes widen once that recognized each other..

"Sabito?!" I exclaimed in shock. But how?! wasn't he. killed by the hand demon..but I saw his and Makomo..oh..I saw Sabito in reality..but Makomo. "T-Tanjiro..?" Sabito whispered back his voice cracked a little.

My vision started to get blurry and watery. I then gritted my teeth and pulled Sabito into a hug letting out a wail not caring if people look or not, "You..You I thought you were dead!" I felt Sabito's soft hand go on top of my head and ruffled his slender fingers into my hair. 

His touch was..quiet soothing almost putting me to sleep, "No I'm here  now and I'll always be by your side from now on" Sabito Said his voice turning soft. I looked up at Sabito to ee a warm smile on his face, I blushed a little then shook my head burying my face into the peach haired teen chest.

// Narrators Pov //


"Where the hell is Tanjiro-Kun?!" Zenitsu an Giyu couldn't wait anymore they, well Zenitsu followed the Sound of Tanjiro's melody.

"Found him c'mon lets go" *Zenitsu yelled while looking around. Giyu's left eyes twitched at Zenitsu's non-needed yelling.

"Just listen for his Aura or talking." The blonde looked over at the Water Pillar then put both hands on his hips and his eyes sparkled proudly,

"Oh yeah! I'm such a genius!"

Giyu Looked at Zenitsu and Sighed clearly annoyed by the Blonde.
Zenitsu tucked a strand of hair from behind both his ears, and closed his eyes.

He started to listen for The Kamado's Aura. It took Zenitsu a moment, the he found it and opened his eyes looking back a Giyu.

"Let go I Found him" Zenitsu claimed  while he grabbed  The Water Pillar by the sleeve. Dragging him into the crowd and through the paths of people and stands.

"Let me go" Giyu Whispered his voice cold. Still looking ahead and Listening Zenitsu let go of Giyu's Sleeve mumbling something to himself

With no other chance Giyu continued to follow Zenitsu. Following the Blonde from behind really wanting him to hurry up because his anxiety was getting to him about Tanjiro. The duo walked through the streets and once through a crowd . Zenitsu continued to follow the sound of Tanjiro aura.

Finally Zenitsu  and Giyu found Tanjiro...hugging a male with peach colored hair that also had a fox mask with a scar on the side. the mask was located on the side of his head. Giyu eyes widen then turned stone and cold, "Who is that?" he hissed causing Zenitsu to look bad at him, also frown on his face "I don't know" he said coldly really not meaning to.

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