Chapter 14

79 3 5


[] Japanese Dictionary []

''Tsuka'' (Handle of a Katana)

''Nanite Kotoda'' (Oh My God)

''Josei-ki'' (Cunt)

''Kassei-ka'' (Activate)

[] Warning []

I am bad a writing Fight scenes and there will be a Small fight Scene in this Chapter so Sorry If it sucks.

Stubborn/Jealous Tanjiro(?)

Flirty Sabito





Sabito and Tanjiro Went to the Ubuyashiki Estate asking the Master if they could Go on a mission together. Kagaya agreed telling them that there was a Female Demon Lurking around in the south.

That's where Sabito and Tanjiro would go for their next mission, before the Duo left they both apologized for waking up the Master which Kagaya accepted their apology and Sent them off.

Sabito POV

Me and Tanjiro walked through the dark green forest that had a trail/path down it giving us "many" directions.

Half through the walk I started to notice Tanjiro was limping? The only way I could tell was because he was walking In front of me leading the way.

'Did he get Injured during a recent Mission before this one? He probably didn't tell Aøi, Shinobu or the three Butterfly Girls, which is unlikely of him.'

'But it could also mean that he has a big injury as well...'

"Something wrong Sabito-Kun?" Tanjiro asked, he stopped and looked back at me, a worried expression on his adorable round face.

I met Tanjiro's red wine eyes. Damn, His eyes are so beautiful How could someone get tired of looking at them? They Can't!

"No, Why do you ask Tanjiro?" I replied Calmly. "The Scent of Worriedness and Curiosity Clings to you" Tanjiro answered while he wore a worried expression.

"Oh, I saw Just curious on why you were limping...Did You go on a recent Mission before this one?" I asked.

Tanjiro Pov

My body Tensed I felt my Facial Cheeks heat up with a Mixture of Embarrassment and Fluster. I put a hand around my neck Secretly covering the Bites and Hickey's Akaza left behind yesterday.

'Damnit Akaza! Fuck you!'

I awkwardly chuckled, "Yeah, and Plus I've Been training a lot recently" I lied through my teeth. Hoping Sabito would buy it...hopefully.

Sabito Pov

'He's definitely lying I haven't seen him train at all since I'd Arrived...' I sighed walked over to Tanjiro I made him put both of his arms around my neck while I wrapped left hand around his waist and the other under his kneecaps scooping him up.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 27 ⏰

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