Chapter 8

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Tanjiro had spent the rest of the evening and all night in Nezuko room watching over making sure she had got a good rest: Which she did.
Time: 3:00 am
Nezuko started to wake up a little but Tanjiro adjusted their position and he ruffled his fingers in her hair. slowly Making Nezuko go back to sleep.
He hummed a tune his mother used to him when he was inside her womb.

Slowly the Hum started to turn into singing but Tanjiro was Voice Was soft and Low.

"Let me sing a Lullaby
as you close your eyes
and as your drifting off to sleep.
How I hope that the dreams That you find are Bright.
Love can we meet again soon in the bluest of skies.
Where tomorrow waits for you and I.
So hold me tight one more time but don't miss me goodbye
Cause I know I'll see you on the other side.
How I will think of our song When the nights are too long.
I'll dream of you For that's where I belong.
Love can we meet again soon in the bluest of skies."

" My dreams"

"Do we meet again..."

Tanjiro voice died down when he released Nezuko Was asleep again we smiled then Watched the Moonlight and stars from the window.


Time: 6:00 am

Tanjiro Was woken up by the Sound of... Arguing? He scrunched open his Red wine eyes looking around the room, I guess Nezuko already woke up...

Tanjiro leaned forward Did a long stretch then stood up. It took him a minute to get his balance together. I wonder who's arguing at this time of the morning.

Tanjiro walked out of the room and followed the voices he went downstairs to hear Familiar Male voices




Inosuke and


"You pip squeak! Shut up Tanjiro Doesn't like you!"

"Shut up! You look like a Chihuahua!"


"Guys hush it too early.."

"I agree with Sabito..."

Tanjiro sighed and looked at the five, "Really Guys" he sighed walking over to the Three Demon Slayer Members and the Two Hashira.

"Good Morning Beautiful!" Tengen greeted popping out of nowhere. the Sound Pillar leaned in for a kiss from the Male. Tanjiro smacked a quick kiss on Tengen lips. "Good morning Tengen-San!"Tanjiro greeted back smiling.

"Hey! I want a good morning!" Inosuke Pouted while he walked over to Tanjiro and hugged him. Tanjiro smiled he Moved Inosuke's Hair and kissed his Forehead, "Morning Inosuke!"

The Hashibara blushed and made a noise wrapping his arms around Tanjiro figure now clinging to him. "You still a little Tired Inosuke?" Tanjiro asked. Inosuke Shook his head, "No."

Tanjiro chuckled, "Well then let me go so I can give the others their Good Mornings and their kisses." Inosuke's grip on Tanjiro tightend an he pulled the Maron closer,"I don't Wanna.."

"Inosuke." Tanjiro said while he squirmed a little. After a moment Inosuke let Tanjiro Go Crossing his arms, "hmph.."

Tanjiro giggled, "You'll be okay " he then looked over at Zenitsu who was waiting rather patiently. Tanjiro first hugged Zenitsu then gave him a kiss on the lips "Good Morning Zenitsu!"

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