Chapter 4- Being Asked

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Emry's P.O.V-

I give up trying to talk to Sam about the bartender Eli, no matter how much I try to tell her that there is no way he would ever be interested in a girl like me. A girl who is not pretty, or good enough for anyone at least in her mind. I can feel him approaching us before I actually see him and it is when I do see him that I cannot stop looking at his eyes. It is like I keep getting sucked into him when I know I shouldn't because in the end I am just going to end up getting hurt. He is smiling when he set's down our drinks,

"So ladies, what are you doing tomorrow evening?" I look at him like he just grew a second head, I mean what? Why is he asking what we are doing tomorrow night, especially a Saturday night, which means date night? Then I about choke on my drink when I hear Sam talking "Oh well we have no plans, why are you asking?" I can't seem to speak and end this conversation between the two of them because I am so dumbfounded that they are talking like I am not right here about a damn double date!! A double date? With who me and Sam? What am I hearing? Then I hear Eli again, "Well I was wondering if you would want to go out with me and my friend over there, that's Evan." I can see where he is pointing and look to see a super tall rough edgy looking guy. He has light brown hair, green eyes, and beard. He is wearing a basic black t-shirt like the other bartenders and dark wash jeans, some basic shoes and black rimmed glasses.

He seemed okay looking not my type but I knew Sam would fall for him hook, line, and sinker. I knew I had no shot out of this miserable date, and I was right as Sam was already agreeing for the both of us. "Yeah we would love to go out with you two tomorrow night." Eli's smile grew, "Great, how about you give me both your numbers and I will give Evan your number Sam, and I will save your number Emry?" I looked up and was about to say no, but again was cut off by Sam once again. "Sure, here you go that's my number, and here is Emry's" she slid a piece a paper to Eli with both of our numbers. My so called best friend Ladies and gentlemen!

"Great so how about we all meet up tomorrow night say 8:00pm at the bar here?" "Sure sounds great, me and Emry will be here" I look between the two of them, and can't get a word out I mean what just happened? Am I really supposedly going on a double date tomorrow with this hot ass bartender, my best friend, and his best friend? The more I think about it the more I realize that it is just Eli being nice to me. Doing a nice favor for his friend by going out with the ugly fat girl so his friend can go out with my friend. Now it all makes sense to me, and I don't know whether to be angry, or even more depressed that I am still not good enough for anyone.

Eli just smiles at both of us looking at me a little longer, and then walks away to tend to the other customers, I see him whisper something to Evan and pass him the small piece of paper. Then I see Evan jump up and raise his fist in the air like he just won a game or something. I look to my left and see Sam blushing and smiling as she just witnessed what Evan had done a few moments ago. I smile realizing she seems to really like this guy, or at least might like this guy, so who am I to be the party pooper and not go on this pity date to help out my best friend? Sam turns to me, "Are you excited or what? You and I have a hot double date tomorrow with those studs over there. I am so glad we came out tonight to celebrate. Who knows maybe this could lead us to our forevers?" "Yeah sure, we never know." All the while in my mind I am just trying to find a way to get through this date unscathed, and not hurt in some way. "Look Sam I think I am going to head home, I am tired and just want to take a long hot bath and go to sleep. "Okay, sure I will see you tomorrow. How about we go out for some shopping and lunch tomorrow before our date?" "Yeah, sounds like a plan boo boo. Love you, see you tomorrow."

I wave to Sam as I go outside and wait for my cab to arrive to take me home. As I am waiting I decide to go on my Kindle App, and read a recent book that I had been reading. I am so engrossed in the book that I don't notice Eli approach me and tap me on the shoulder. I jump and scream, being so unaware what was going on around me. "Oh my god, you just gave me a heart attack!" "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, just saw you standing out here and wanted to see if you were okay?" I look in his eyes and see he seems to be telling the truth. Sighing, "Yeah I'm fine, thanks though. I am just waiting for my cab to get here in a minute so I can head home." "Oh, well I can keep you company while you wait if you want." "No, umm... I'm good thanks though." "Are you sure, it is kind of dark out here. And no beautiful lady should be out here alone." I had no response for that comment, and I ended up just staring at his blushing and dumbfounded. Thank god at the exact moment my cab pulled up and I ran like a bat out of hell to the waiting cab and fled from the club and where Eli stood.

Fifty-five minutes later I finally reach home after stopping at Sam's and getting my car, and driving home. Thankfully as I walk through the door I don't see any lights on, and think that I can make it upstairs and to the bathroom and my room without having to get the third degree from my mom. After finally making it up the stairs as quietly as I could I make it to my bathroom and decide to just change into my favorite sweats and yellow t-shirt for bed. I take off my make-up, throw up my hair in a messy bun, and grab my phone. As I am leaving my bathroom and heading across the short hallway to my bedroom I hear my parents door open and see my mom in her pajamas and half asleep. "Where were you Emry? Especially at this hour?" "I was out with Sam, we were celebrating my good news of getting the job today." "And you are just getting home at one in the morning? Isn't that a bit late for celebrating?" Sighing, "No, mom it isn't. I could have stayed out later, but was tired and decided to come home early. So here I am home and heading to bed." I can see my mom starting to get a bit angry, "Look Emry, you should have at least called or something so we knew you were okay, what if something happened to you?" "I don't know mom, but I am okay. Look I am 24 years old, a college graduate, and I now have a job! Please can you stop berating me and just be happy for me, and let me live my life how I want? If I make mistakes then I make mistakes, I will learn from them. Please!!" I see my dad walking to the door, "Hey dad, sorry for being so loud." "Look ladies can we do this at another hour when I don't have to be up in 45 minutes?" Looking down at my feet, "Yeah dad sorry, sorry mom for yelling." "I'm sorry to sweetie I just love you and worry." "I know mom, but I can't take this anymore, all we do is fight, I made a decision, I'm moving out next week I will be finding an apartment to live in this week." My mom looks like I just punched her in the stomach, "Oh, you don't need to worry about moving out that soon." "No mom, this is what I need I will be moving out next week and that's that. Good night." With that I walk into my room and lay down falling asleep to the many thought's running through my head. And a certain tattooed bartender seems to be taking up most of my thoughts.

Sorry guys I have not updated in a while. I was away camping and then I went to the Kenny Chesney, Jason Aldean Concert with Brantley Gilbert, Cole Swindell, and Old Dominion here in Seattle. And let me tell you even though the heat sucked, it was an amazing concert!! Of course by far Brantley Gilbert was my Favorite what with his rough bad boy attitude, kick ass songs, and him talking about how cops need to Read him his rights(Like his song) when it comes to him not accepting men pushing around women!! Then also learning that, that concert was his last one as a single man (He made that comment himself) was also cool!! Again amazing concert and performances!! I will update again in the next couple days Promise!!

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