Chapter 19- Fun Lake Day

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Emry's P.O.V-

I just smile back at Eli as he brings me in close to him and before I can say anything to him he is kissing me. This kiss starts out sweet, but quickly turns passionate and possessive as he swipes his tongue into my mouth and grabs the back of my neck. Wrapping my legs around his waist I run my fingers through his hair, causing him to moan slightly. I'm not sure how long we have been kissing but we stop when someone splashes into the water near us. Slowly untangling myself from Eli I look to my left and see Evan and Sam swimming nearby. Then that's when I hear some music blaring and some more people coming towards the dock. Both Eli and I look to see about ten or so more people walking towards us. "Well this isn't what I had planned for the both of us today beautiful, but it looks like Evan has invited some of our friends over to have a party." I just start laughing at him, "It's okay, somehow I have a feeling Sam was behind this too when I told her I was coming here today." There goes that smile again, the one I am really starting to love on him. "I promise our friends are great, and we can still spend the whole day together." "Good."

I swim over to the bank of the water and get out heading to where I left my towel. I start drying off when I feel arms wrap around my waist, "Who said you could just leave me alone in the lake beautiful?" Smiling I turn around in Eli's arms, "Well I was soaking wet since someone decided to throw me in lake in the first place. And I wasn't really planning on swimming when I was thrown into the lake." "Oh but you know you had fun especially when we shared that amazing mini make-out session." Before I can respond he leans in to kiss me again. I am not sure how long we have been kissing until I hear some guy behind Eli start talking to him, "Yo dude, looks like you found yourself a girl" Looking behind Eli I see this huge guy standing behind him smiling down at me. When I say huge I mean gigantic, he looks like a wall of muscle, he is cute though just not my type. "Hey Ben, yeah I did find myself a girl and she is amazing. Ben this is Emry, Emry this is Ben. He is one of my employees at the bar and also a good friend of mine." "Hi Ben nice to meet you." "You too Emry, oh and thank you for finally going out with this nut job here. I mean he has been driving us all nuts these past few weeks. He wouldn't shut up about you and how he really like you." "Wow, well I am glad I could help you guys out."

That just made me feel even better about agreeing to try things out with Eli, knowing that he was annoying everyone he has been around about wanting to be with me. "Okay shut up. So Ben where is that girlfriend of yours?" "Oh she should be somewhere around here. Here she comes now. Hey babe this Emry, Eli's girlfriend. Emry this is my girlfriend Sasha." "Oh no I'm not his..." before I can finish saying anything Sasha immediately hugs me and starts talking a mile a minute. "Hi Emry, it is so great to meet you. I am so glad Eli has found someone finally that he seems to be really falling for. You look just so cute, and look at the cover up it is so cute. I bet your swim suit underneath is just darling. Oh my god we should so hang out sometime soon. Hey have you also met Evan's girlfriend Sam she is such a sweet heart." My eyes go wide as I just stand there next to Eli hearing him and Ben laugh while Sasha just keeps going on and on. She reminds me kind of like the energizer bunny, you know never ending. Thankfully Ben comes to the rescue, "Whoa slow down there babe, take a breath before you scare of Emry." "No its cool, Hi Sasha nice to meet you too. And yes I do know Sam she is actually my best friend and roommate. And sure we should hang out some time soon." She just smiles back at me trying to not talk too much. I think I could like this girl she reminds me a lot like Sam.

After talking with Ben and Sasha, Eli goes to start barbequing up food people have brought while I sit in a lounge chair on the dock soaking up the sun. I get to thinking about how I have been so not my normal self and it feels good. Good to be an easy going normal girl hanging out at the lake on a nice warm September day. The rest of the day goes by quickly with me and Eli spending time together, me getting to know his friends, and hanging out with Sam and Evan.

Once the sun goes down Evan starts a bonfire in the pit that has been moved to grass. Everyone is sitting around the fire in chairs and some people are getting pretty drunk, including Sam. She is so funny when she is drunk all she does is laugh and usually she is laughing at nothing. I am sitting next to Eli when he puts his arm around me kisses my head, it is so sweet that I can't help but melt a little inside. The night goes on and slowly people start leaving and Eli makes sure that anyone who has had too much to drink doesn't drive and has someone sober to take them home. Soon the only people left are me, Eli, Sam, and Evan. Sam is passed out in her chair and Evan decides that he is going to take her to bed in one of Eli's spare rooms upstairs. The fire is dying down when Eli looks over at me, "would you like to spend the night? You know so you don't have to drive home this late?" "Sure that would be nice." Grabbing my hand Eli gets up pulling me with him and walking us to the golf cart.

Once we get to his backdoor, we walk in and up into his bedroom quietly. I walk in behind him and look at his huge ass room, his room is literally twice the size of my bedroom in my apartment. He has a big super King sized bed covered in black sheets and a black comforter. The carpet is plush and soft on my feet and he has a huge flat screen T.V. hanging on the wall in front of his bed. There are only two night stands one on each side of the bed, and some curtains on the big bay window on the wall to the right of his bed. There is a door on the wall by the T.V. and another door off to the left which looks like could be a closet. Eli walks into the closet and comes out in only a pair of sweat pants, then he hands me some sweats and a t-shirt. "Here are some clothes for you to sleep in, and the bathroom is through that door right there." "Thanks, I'll be right out." I go into the bathroom and it is huge and beautiful in here. There is a huge walk in shower his and her sinks and a Jacuzzi bath tub. I strip down and put on the sweats and t shirt and surprising they fit me okay, not really tight, but not baggy either. I guess that is something to be happy with. Walking back out Eli is already in bed with shadow cuddling up at his feet, I reach his bed and crawl in. He automatically grabs me and pulls me into him, "You know you look incredibly sexy wearing my clothes and laying in my bed here." "Shut up your just saying that." I look down while laying my head on his chest. He pulls up my head and looks me in the eyes "You have no idea how much I find you beautiful, but don't worry I plan to prove to you one way or another how attractive I find you. Now get some rest we both have had a big day." With that I lay my head back down and soon before I realize it sleep has claimed me.

Author's Note-

Sorry that this was just kind of a filler chapter guys, but don't worry I have some good stuff coming up real soon. I am so thankful for you guys to be reading my story. Thank you so much you have no idea how much this means to me. I mean I have over 49 views on my little story already!! That to me is Crazy, but I am so thankful that I have some awesome people interested in what I have been writing!! Please keep reading, and don't forget to like and comment!!

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