Chapter 18- Going To The Lake

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Emry's P.O.V-

I wake up feeling super warm and my neck kind of hurts. Opening my eyes I am not sure where I am but I see a television on in front of me and feel something on my feet and an arm on my side. Looking up I see Eli with his head back against his couch, and then look down to see Shadow curled up on my feet. That's when I realize where I am and why I am there. I remember coming to Eli's last night and making out with him and then staying over watching a movie and eating dinner. Obviously I fell asleep and so did Eli, and as I think about it I don't regret a thing. I am finally feeling happy and glad that I am accepting my feelings toward Eli and that I came over here last night.

I really need to get up and pee though, but I don't want to wake him up. However my bladder is not listening to me, so I slowly start to crawl out of Eli's embrace and pulling my feet out from Shadow's sleeping body. Finally being free I walk around downstairs to find the bathroom back by the kitchen. After finishing up my business I come out to smell coffee and walk towards the kitchen and there I see shadow lying at Eli's feet while he is at the counter pouring coffee into two mugs. I go and sit down at the bar in the kitchen and watch Eli. "So are one of those for me?" He turns around and smiles, "Of course it is and I made it just how you liked a lot of creamer and just a spoonful of sugar." I was shocked that he remembered how I like my coffee, I mean I told him that when we were playing 20 questions a few weeks back. "You actually remember that? Wow." Sitting down next to me Eli hands me a mug and smiles down at me. "Of course I remember everything you have told me, and I don't plan to forget any of it either. So did you sleep well?" "Ha-ha, yea I did sorry for falling asleep on you, guess I was more tired from this week then I thought." "It's okay beautiful I don't mind holding you while you sleep."

"Well thank you for the coffee, but I should be going don't want to bother you." I get up to put my mug in the sink and am stopped when Eli grabs my waist and pulls me between his legs. "And what makes you think you are bothering me? I was just about to ask if you wanted to hang out today since I don't have to be at work this weekend." "Sure, that sounds nice. However I do need to get home to shower and change my clothes." "Okay well how about you grab your swim suit too and come back here and we can go swimming in the lake today?" Swimming, oh god that would mean I have to wear a swim suit and I hate wearing swim suits. I mean they truly show off my body and that is never good. "Um, I'm not sure about that it does seem kind of cold today." The look he is giving me seems as though he knows what I am thinking and how self-conscious I am about myself, but instead of coming right out he asks what I want to do today. Oh Sam is right I have to stop judging myself so much but I can't help it, but that doesn't mean I can't try to overcome fears of mine. "You know what going to the lake sounds fun I'll be back in about an hour." I grab my shoes and keys and head for the door when Eli stops me, pulls me into him and gives me one hell of a good bye kiss, "Hurry back beautiful, and I will be out at the lake when you get back. So just head on down and I'll be waiting for you." With weak knees and a dumb smile on my face I head to my car and head home.

As soon as I get home I head to the shower and get clean and changed into my swim suit. It is a cute suit what with the top being a dark blue halter top with white polka dots, and the bottoms being basic dark blue swim shorts. However looking at myself in the mirror in my room I judge the way I look, from head to toe. All I see is my thick thighs, jiggling stomach, flabby arms, and pasty white skin. So I decided to cover myself up with a simple black cover up dress and some basic flip flops. I grab my phone, a towel, and my keys and start heading for the door when Sam comes out of her room.

"Hey where have you been Em? And where are you going?" "Oh um well I sort of went to Eli's last night and accidently fell asleep while we were watching a movie. And I am going back to his house to hang out by the lake there." The look on her face is priceless I thought she was having a heart attack or something when I told her all of that. "You Emry Ash are going to a lake, and you fell asleep at a boy's house? Wow I guess that talk Evan had with you worked, I am happy to see you finally giving into your feelings for him sweetie." "You knew Evan came and talked to me?" "Well duh who do you think gave him the idea?" Now it all makes sense, I mean Eli did say he would have to thank Evan later for talking to me. "You fucking sneaky ho. My god I can't believe you did that, but I guess I have to thank you. I mean because of that talk, I had realized that I need to try and live my life and stop fearing things. All though I am fucking scared as hell right now." She was just smiling, "Have fun boo, see you later!" And with that she walked into the bathroom and left me there standing in the entryway of our apartment.

About a half hour later I am pulled up to Eli's house and start walking down to the lake which was a nice walk to have since it was super warm and sunny out. When I approached the dock I see a golf cart parked to the side and on the deck there seemed to be a couple towels and the chairs from before. Walking onto the deck though I don't see Eli anywhere, he isn't in the water, not on the dock or by the golf cart I saw. I decided I would just wait here on the dock so I sit back in one of the chairs, put on my sunglasses, set my things down, and open up my kindle app on my phone and start reading a new romance book I bought. Before I know what is happening my phone is taken out of my hand, I am being thrown over a shoulder, and being thrown into the lake. I come up sputtering water out of my mouth and see Eli right in front of me laughing. God I want to be so mad right now, but that god damn crooked smile of his gets me every time.

Author's Note-

I am so sorry it has taken me so long to post some updates lately guy's I feel so bad! But what with work, family, helping my best friend plan her wedding, and debate it has been a little hard to post some chapters. However I have some great things coming soon. Even so I am thinking of turning this into a sequel. So this book might end soon and I might start a second book with the same characters!! How about this nice fun day at the lake, who doesn't love that? Oh well Emry doesn't seem to like it very much now does she? She is still very self-conscious, but it seems as though she is going to try, and Eli is going to make her have fun no matter what. Let's all find out what is going to happen next!!

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