Chapter 30- Feeling Like Death

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Emry's P.O.V

I have been in bed for the past two days and was hoping that I would be better by now to make it to work, but I feel even worse. So I am going to the doctors, and of course Eli and Sam both thought I shouldn't drive myself so I am being chauffeured by Sam to the doctors right now. As soon as I walk into the office I am surrounded my sick kids and parents who are all here for the same reason I am. Why did I choose to go to a family practice doctor instead of an adult only doctor? Oh right this office is fairly close to my apartment, UGH! Finally after about a forty-five minute wait the nurse calls me back to a room to be examined. Walking back by myself I get my temperature checked, blood pressure, and asked what my symptoms are. Relaying everything to the nurse she lets me know that I do have a fever, and that the doctor will be in momentarily to give me a diagnosis. Another twenty minutes later the doctor finally shows up, asks me all the same questions the nurse did, checked my ears, and throat. And then she lets me know that I have a virus that seems to be going around and is prescribing me some steroids and coughing syrup that will help ease my cough somewhat. Once leaving the doctor's office with prescription in hand me and Sam head to the pharmacy to fill my meds. While we wait for my name to be called we do a little shopping for some things that will make me feel better. Medicine, popsicles, juice, and more tissues in hand we check out and head home so I can sleep. Once we get home Sam has to get to work, so I decide to hole myself up in my room to hopefully get some sleep. Taking my medicine I lay down and feel myself giving out to exhaustion.

I am not sure how long I have actually been asleep but it is now dark outside and when I go to turn around I notice I am stuck with an arm around me. Then I realize that I am being hugged to Eli as he lays next to me, "What are you doing here? I'm sick you shouldn't be here. I don't want to get you sick." "Ssshhh, don't worry I came to make sure you're doing okay, especially since Sam texted me saying she was going to Evan's tonight." "Oh well I'm fine you can go home." "Not going to happen I am here to take care of you beautiful. Now go back to sleep you need your rest." "Fine but if you get sick don't blame me, I warned you." "Uh-huh I know, now sleep." Slowly I start to fall back asleep in Eli's warm embrace.

A week later-

Finally I am feeling better, and plan to head back to work Monday morning. I really missed my kids, and I have heard they missed me too; at least according to the Substitute teacher's e-mail. So to make sure I am one hundred percent better I decided to just relax all weekend in bed. But of course Eli insisted that I stay at his place so he can still take care of me and be there if I needed anything. So here I am laying in Eli's bed bored as fuck, with nothing to do. What am I supposed to do in this bed alone? Hmm I have an idea but I am going to need Eli here to help me out. "ELI!! Can you come up here please?" Within seconds I hear him and Shadow running up the stairs, and seconds later he bursts through the door looking worried. "Are you okay? Is something wrong?" Smiling to myself I answer him, "Everything is okay, but I do need something. I need you in bed with me kissing me. Please?" That gets him to smile as he slowly walks over to me and then gets on top of me, holding his weight on knees and elbows. "You scared the crap out of me, I thought something was wrong. However I am pleased that you called me up here for this, because beautiful I have missed your touch this past week." "Then shut up and kiss me." "With pleasure."

Soon he kissing me slowly and passionately getting me all riled up more than I already was earlier. Moaning as he sticks his tongue in my mouth I run my hands up under his shirt feeling up his muscular chest. Causing him to shiver and moan as he moves his kissing down to my neck. I am so hot and bothered it isn't even funny, and I think Eli can tell since he runs his hand down my thigh and sticks his hand inside my shorts and panties. "Oh god don't stop Eli." I can feel him smirk against my neck as he moves back to my lips, "You are so wet for me beautiful, I love that about you." Arching my back I moan louder, "Please Eli I need you now." I don't have to say anything else when Eli strips us both down to nothing and enters me slowly. We are rocking back and forth together in a steady rhythm, when I feel my climax building up rapidly. "Eli I'm so close don't stop!" "Never beautiful." With that I arch my back and scream out his name as I find my release. While on my high, I can feel Eli find his release and hear him moaning out my name into my neck. "I love you Emry." Looking into his eyes all I see is love, and that is exactly how I feel about him. "I love you too Eli." After we kiss some more, and clean up we lay down in bed cuddled up falling asleep fast in each other's arms. The rest of the weekend at Eli's is like that, what with us making love, and spending time together in bed. It was such a great relaxing weekend, just what I needed.

Author's Note-

Guy's I am so sorry I have not updated in so long. There has been so many things going on lately in my life. What with school, some family issues, also my best friend is getting married and I am her maid of honor. However I feel so blessed that I still have people reading this story, commenting, voting, and sharing. It means so much to me, you have no idea. Thank you so much. Please continue to read!!! I promise I have more to write and share. I am not done yet!!!

Well Emry finally started getting better and got some medication. And how sweet was it that Eli was taking care of her? He seemed to care so much about her, and wanted to make sure she was okay. That is just so cute. What is going to happen next? And how about that sequel? Any thoughts? I am still considering it!!

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