Chapter 11- Moving Day

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Eli's P.O.V-

All week I had been trying to contact Emry. I just wanted to talk to her, see if she was doing okay since I last saw her on Saturday night. Yet every time I called it went straight to voicemail and when I texted her I never got a response back. I was hoping after having that talk with Sam that she would be able to convince Emry to give me, a shot. I want to prove to her that there are good guys out there, and that I was one of them. I still had my doubts though, and that made me apparently an ass hole all week at least according to Evan and the rest of my employees.

Me and Evan had just closed up the club, and we were tired because for it was a crazy night for a Thursday night. I had been a douche all night, and even I knew it. I was now holed up in my office when Evan walks through and sits in one of the chairs in my office. "Yo dude, you have got to chill you have been a mess all week. Is this still all over Emry and her not responding to you?" "Yeah no matter what I do it seems as though she will not respond to me, and I know I probably should give her time, but I just can't. It is like something is pushing me towards her and telling me that I need her in my life." This looked to shock Evan slightly, "Wow okay, well just calm down because remember tomorrow we are moving her into Sam's apartment. She sent me Emry's address and to be there at 9:00am." "Wow that's early, but I don't care as long as I get to see her, and hopefully she will talk to me, then I will be fine."

Evan leaves saying he will meet me at my house in the morning and we will take my truck to Emry's house, since mine is bigger and better for moving. I lock up, and head home and see that it is already 2:30am, tomorrow I will be so tired, but again it will be worth it when I see her. I just hope Sam was able to talk to her, and that Emry won't completely shut me out.

A little while later after pulling up to my house I get out, and am greeted by Shadow running up to me and jumping up on my legs. I spend some time loving him, and petting him and decide that it is late and that I need at least some sleep before I have to move a bunch of heavy items in a few hours. I go upstairs to bed, set my alarm on my phone, plug it in to the charger, and collapse on the bed not even changing out of my clothes and just fall asleep.

Waking up in the morning I take a quick shower, get dressed and make some breakfast. As I am eating my cereal I hear Evans jeep pull up and him knock on the door, "Come on in, it's open!" I yell out to him. He walks right in and smiles at me almost like he knows something. "Why are you so happy this morning man?" He just looks at me and smiles some more, "Really dude, you smiling like that is creeping me out, what's going on?" "Well you see I was talking to Sam last night and she might have mentioned how Emry is not fighting us coming over today to help like she originally though" "Wow that's good, maybe she is opening up?" "Yeah maybe, come on we need to get going."

We hop in my truck a few minutes later, and I follow the directions that Evan put into my built in GPS system. About forty-five minutes later I am pulling up to a two story yellow house, and I know I am in the right spot when I see Emry's Yellow bug in the drive way. I back in the drive way, and hop out seeing Sam come out of the house with Emry right behind her. I stop dead in my tracks, and cannot stop looking at Emry. I mean she wasn't wearing anything special just some sweat pants, bright green t-shirt, and these odd neon yellow and grey cheetah print tennis shoes. But on her it looked good, especially with her hair pulled up into a messy bun, and what looks like very minimal make-up on. And this time something very new to me, she was wearing glasses, but on her they looked cute. They made her look even more real, and beautiful.

I finally regain my thoughts, and realize I am just standing there in front of my truck. I walk over to her, and smile down at her; I just love our height difference. Smiling at her "Hey there beautiful, are you ready to get started on moving today?"

Author's Note-

Hey everyone, sorry just another filler chapter. However don't worry, I am getting to some good stuff real soon. In fact the next chapter I plan to make a little interesting and maybe hot? You have to read to find out what happens next!

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