Chapter 6- The Date

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Eli's P.O.V-

I could not stop thinking about her all night last night. She just left once her cab showed up, and didn't even look back. It made me wonder why she seemed so skittish. After she left the club I went back in to finish closing with the help of Evan who seemed to be chatting up Sam. I walked over to them since there was really no one else left in the club but us. "Hey guys, look we need to have Sam here leave so we can finish closing up for the night." "Oh come on Eli let her stay so I can drive her home, please?" I had never seen Evan beg so much over a girl, he must really like her. Before I could say anything Sam was getting up to leave, "That's okay boys I need to get home myself anyways. And yes before you say anything I am okay to drive I only had one drink a few hours ago." With that she was out the door with Evan literally following her out the door, and locking it on his way back.

I had been counting the money for the night and putting it in the safe when Evan met me in the office, "Hey bro, thank you so much for setting up the double date for tomorrow night. I am so excited, and I can tell so are you to go out with her friend. You seem to really like her." I look over to him setting the money down. "Yeah I just can't get her out of my head even right now. I am think about what she is doing, what she will wear tomorrow, and all that. It seems as though I am drawn to her, and I really do not mind that. She is beautiful, and I can tell she is a good person." "How can you tell that she is a good person? You barely spoke to her." "Just a feeling I get, also the way she didn't try to throw herself at me, she seemed reserved and that interests me. I can tell though in her eyes that something is going on with her." "Hey if anyone can figure it out, would be you. You are so damn stubborn and determined man." "Thanks, alright go wipe down the bar and get out of here, I am right behind you see you tomorrow evening for our date with the girls." "Sounds good man" We fist bump and he leaves my office. I finish up counting and storing the money and lock up the club and head home.

I pull up to my house just outside of Seattle where I live in Edgewood. As I look around I see all the land I have and think about how I really think this would be a great family home, one day I just hope that I can find that one special lady soon. Then I automatically think about Emry and think about how maybe she could be just who I have always been looking for. Shaking my head I walk up the wrap around porch, into my two story farm house style home. I am greeted by my four month old pit bull puppy Shadow. I named him that for her is black and grey and it looks as though the colors give off a sort of shadow affect. He really is the cutest thing ever, and it is nice to come home to someone. Me and shadow head straight up to bed where I strip off my alcohol smelling clothes and lay awake in my boxer briefs with thoughts running wild about Emry. I look down and Shadow and rub his stomach slowly falling asleep, "What am I going to do boy? I can't stop thinking about her and I just met her a few hours ago. I think I might be in deep here boy."

I wake up the next morning make breakfast, and decide that I should call Emry to make sure she got home safe. Also because I feel really bad for scaring her last night when I walked up to her outside the club. I find her number that I programed into my phone, and dial her number. It rings a few times and hear her breathing and before she can say hello I blurt out, "Good morning beautiful, how are you today?" She was silent for a minute or two and then I hoped I didn't wake her, or interrupted her. And before I could say anything else I could hear her stuttering "Hhheeelloo, Eli?" I start laughing slightly, trying not to, but she sounds so cute when she is nervous. "Yeah it's me, I just wanted to make sure you got home okay and make sure we are all still on for tonight." She responds almost immediately like she is in a hurry, "Oh um, yeah I'm fine, and I think were still on. Look I gotta go, bye." And before I could say goodbye or anything else she hung up. I got an odd feeling as though maybe she might not like me that much, but I also got a feeling as though she was shy and there might have been a reason behind that. And right then I was determined to find out why and learn anything and everything about Emry Ash.

Several hours later after doing some chores and trying to distract myself, I take a quick shower and get dressed in my favorite pair of dark grey jeans, dark blue button up shirt making sure to roll up the sleeve and have a button or two open on the chest area, showing off some of my tattoos. And then complete it with my trusty old black chucks. Thirty minutes later I am at the club about an hour before the girls are supposed to meet us. Figured I could get some work done in my office beforehand. I go into my office fire up my laptop, and do some paperwork, ordering some inventory, lining up interviews, and making sure all my workers and Assistant club and bar manager are here for tonight. After doing all that I look at the time and see it is five past 8:00pm when the girls were supposed to be here. I close my laptop, grab my cell, wallet, and keys. Turn off my lights and walk out the door. I can see Sam and Evan sitting at the bar facing my direction looking excited, and then hone in on Emry's back and notice her curves in her long orange dress.

She must have heard my footsteps as no one is really here yet in the club, and when she turns around I lose my breath. She is beautiful, not just sexy with the way she is dressed up. Her dark black hair is curled, and I can see that she has some bleach blond highlights underneath giving her a more edgy look. She has minimal make-up on but enough to make her blue eyes stand out against her pale skin; almost porcelain like. And I cannot stop staring at her looking up and down appreciatively. She seems to be lost in the way I look as well. It almost looks like she wants to attack me, and I would not stop her if she wanted too. I had to finally say something as it seemed like she wasn't going to anytime soon, "Hi there beautiful." And I smiled at her and waited and she still just stood there not saying a word. Then all of a sudden I see her snap out of her daze, and finally she speaks and I hear her beautiful voice. "Um, Hi there". A blush crawls over her face and she looks down, and I think she just got even more beautiful right in front of me. I brush my thumb across her cheek and she looks up stunned at me and I just smile at her.

Authors Note-

Seems that Eli is really falling for Emry, but yet she is still so reserved. What is he going to have to do in order to hopefully fully have her one day? What do you think is going to happen? Updating really soon I swear!! Thank you for reading!!

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