Chapter 15- Ignoring Feelings

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Emry's P.O.V-

Tonight was such a great night. I mean I let myself open up and have fun with Eli, but then he kissed me and I started feeling more towards him. I mean I thought that I could actually be falling in love with him, but that is just crazy I mean look at me compared to him. I am a big, fat, pale skinned girl who has never had a boyfriend before and been hurt so many times. While he is this sexy as fuck man with tattoos, dark hair, beautiful eyes and a big heart who took me out on this amazing first date. We are so different I am a nerd, while he is the jock, why would he want anything to do with me? I had to end that kiss or I would just end up being hurt more than if I didn't.

Looking at him now he looks so confused and torn, and I can understand that I mean we were having a great time. Then I abruptly ended it all. I have to get out of here soon if I don't I might end up telling him about my family, and past, and that is just not an option. No one and I mean no one not even Sam knows things that I have been through. "Look Eli I have had fun getting to know you, but I need to go home. I just can't do this, I can't date you. I'm so sorry." I walk back to his truck and get in while he just stands there on the dock looking at where I just walked. Finally he walked back and got into the truck.

After a quiet drive back to my apartment, I got out of his truck and started walking towards the elevator to get into my apartment building. I hear a truck door slam shut, and then all of a sudden Eli grabs me around my waist gently turns me around and starts kissing me. There is so much passion in this kiss that I start going weak in the knees. He backs me up against the wall outside and grabs the back of my neck and runs his thumb on his other hand across my cheek. I cannot stop kissing him back, fuck I like him so much that I moan a little. But I cannot like him, I will only get hurt; before I can stop the kiss Eli pulls away and leans his forehead against mine breathing heavily. "You cannot deny our attraction for one another, and I am not giving up on you beautiful. I will get you to go out with me again, because I know I am falling hard for you. Be prepared to hear from me soon beautiful." And with that he is walking back to his truck and peeling out of the parking garage.

Shaking my head I go up in the elevator to my apartment and see Sam sitting there on our couch. "Hey Em, how was the date with Eli?" She smiles at me and that gets me to just release my emotions finally. I break down crying walking over to the couch and can see the look of happiness to sad then angry change on Sam's face. "What the hell did Eli do? Did he hurt you? Try to force himself on you? Tell me and I will kill him so help me god!" It takes me a few minutes to calm down slightly and speak. "No Sam, he was a perfect gentlemen, and did nothing wrong at all. It was all me, I freaked out." I tell her everything from first seeing him, to the drive, the whole getting to know him, the kiss on the dock, and the kiss in the parking garage. "So then he just says be prepared to hear from me soon beautiful and takes off in his truck. What do I do Sam? I have feelings for him I know I do, but I can't date him I just can't."

Sam looks at me sadly, then angrily. "I love you to death Emry, but you have got to stop ruining your life. I mean this in the best way possible without trying to hurt you, but you are ruining a great thing. The guy actually told you he was falling for you. Why are not giving him a chance?" "Because I can't, I can't tell you why, but please believe me when I say I have been hurt more than you even know about, and I couldn't handle it when he hurts me later down the road. I mean he will probably date me for sex or something, and then just kick me to the curb." "Are you serious Em, you can't even talk to me about this? Fine I won't push you on this, but you can always talk to me whenever you're ready. However in the mean time you really need to think about how you feel towards Eli, and see if you really don't want to give him a shot. But be warned Evan did tell me he never gives up on anything, and when he sets his mind to something he doesn't stop. So I think you are in for an interesting ride my friend."

With that she got up and went to her room leaving me alone in the living room. Sam could be right I might be throwing something amazing away, and can I live with that? I honestly don't know, but I do know that I am scared to see what Eli is going to do if he is really persistent. How long can I ignore these feelings I have towards him? I guess it is just a waiting game of both Eli and my own stubbornness.

Author's Note-

So Eli is not giving up on Emry just yet, how is that going to go? I am not sure, but I think there is going to be more denying of feelings and fighting going on. However I don't see Eli giving up without a fight just yet. Sorry it has taken me awhile to update my Wi-Fi was down for a while, and I was writing a lot for this book. I have some more great news coming up regarding this book that I will tell you all soon!! So continue to read, share, vote, comment, and even message me if you want!! Thank you!

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