Chapter 24- Pissed

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Eli's P.O.V-

I laid there with Emry's head on my chest, rubbing her back while she finally tells me about her past. Telling me everything as to why she was so dead set on us not dating and so quiet about her past. When she was breaking down in my arms I could not look at her, not because I think any different of her, but rather I am so upset about how she has been treated in her life. Then when she goes on and tells me about the guys who have hurt her in the past, and the one guy in particular telling her that she is worthless and will never mean anything to anyone I am fucking livid. I just want to go find this guy and beat in his face for breaking my girl's heart and spirit. However it is his loss because she is my girl now, and as long as she will have me; which I am hoping could be forever, she will be my girl and no one else's. I will worship and cherish her, make her happy and laugh everyday if I can. Never will I break her heart or hurt her on purpose because of how much I already love her. I am just going to have to prove this to her, I know it is not going to be easy, but I am willing and wanting to do so.

I look down at her when she moves away from me and my heart breaks seeing her this upset. Never do I want to see her cry like this over people who have hurt her and made her feel so weak in life. No one should ever do that to a girl because it is first off not nice, but also can seriously ruin someone's self-confidence. "Beautiful can you look at me please?" She shakes her head as keeps crying, god this girl even when she is crying she is beautiful. I have to make her understand how I feel about her and how much she means to me, she has to know. Pulling her into me I raise her head slightly wiping away her tears that roll down her face. Her eyes are so full of hurt and sadness, and so help me god I will change that. "Look, you need to know that I love you, and I do not see that ending anytime soon beautiful. I want to thank you for telling me finally about your past, you have no idea how much that means to me. How much you trust me, and I want to let you know that I promise to you as long as you want me around I will show you every day how much you mean to me. I promise to not intentionally hurt you, because I am sure I am going to do or say something stupid by accident that might hurt you; but you have to know I will never on purpose hurt you like people have before. I love you, and I want to be with you for as long as you will have me." I need to kiss her show her how much I love her, in between kisses I let her know. "I. Love. You."

Smiling up at me she runs her hand over my cheek and kisses me back with so much love and passion that I can't hold back any longer. I roll her underneath me and hold myself up slightly on my elbows and run my hands down her naked body. God this woman is so beautiful and I plan to show her just how much by making love to her again and again. Over and over as many times as I can for as long as we are together. Running my hands over her taught nipples a moan escapes her mouth giving my tongue entrance into her mouth. Slowly I run my hand down her thigh and soothingly run it up and down her thigh. Moving my hand further south I can feel just how wet she is for me and I thought I was hard for her before, but now I am solid and needing to be in her more than anything. Before I can have the chance of entering her she flips me onto my back and slowly slides down on top of my member.

God she is so warm and fits perfectly to me, almost like we are puzzle pieces that fit together. Moaning as I play with her breasts she slowly moves up and down riding on top of me. I meet her thrust for thrust in pure ecstasy, like we are in pure bliss together. She starts going faster and I thrust upward harder, I can tell she is close and need to be in charge now. I roll us over again and am now on top of her thrusting harder when I feel her clamp down on me like a vice and feel her body go rigid. "God yes Eli, don't stop. ELI!!"Screaming out my name she rides out her climax while running her hands down my back. That soon gets me to fall over the edge and I lean my head down into her neck moaning out her name with my release.

I wait a few minutes before moving and kiss her neck slowly moving to her mouth that now has a beautiful smile on it. Looking into her eyes I tell her how I feel, "I love you Emry Hope Ash, and I don't plan to stop loving you ever." The smile on her face grows even bigger than before, "Good I don't want you to. And I love you too Eli Anthony Black, more than anything." When she tells me this my heart swells and I think I can't love this woman any more than I do right now. Hearing her say she loves me back is an amazing feeling I will never get tired of hearing ever.

Author's Note-

I am so sorry for not updating in a while everyone!! Things have been sort of cray lately what with School starting for me soon and summer vacation ending.

Well Eli seems to really love Emry and he now understands why she was so stubborn and not willing to go out with him in the begging. Now that he knows about her past he still looks at her the same way he did before, like she is the most beautiful person in the world. And that is because he loves her, and he never wants to stop loving her. What do you think will happen next with them? Comment with your guesses, and thank you for reading!!

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